Chapter 4

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Picking out a bathing suit was hard, I didn't want to show too much skin, but I didn't want to look like a victorian lady. I had no idea how to balance it out and what the middle point was. Then, I saw a red bathing suit that worked perfectly. It didn't show too much or too little and seemed to suit my figure perfectly. Over it, I put a simple day dress, hoping to look modest, to finish the look I once again rolled my hair back into a bun.

Getting into my car, I wondered what the day would be like, and if I would get along with him the same way that I did at the party- and I hoped to god that I did. Nothing could happen, but at least we could be friends. As I pulled up to the White House, I was almost shocked to see the size of it in daylight- not that I hadn't seen it before, just not this close. I parked my car on the driveway, and walked to the door. I was almost nervous to knock. But I did anyway, and then waited for an answer. When the door finally opened, Mr Kennedy was there himself. His face lit up like a christmas tree when he saw me, and immediately he invited me in.

"The pool is through there, I'll be out in a minute- make yourself comfortable." He beamed as he ran upstairs, most probably to change. I marvelled at the size of the pool, and the room it was in, I couldn't believe that, I, of all people was here. Placing my bag on the floor, I perched on a deck chair, and attempted to unzip my dress. However I couldn't, the zip being down the back and I wasn't able to reach. I began to feel flustered, just as JFK walked in.

"You're going swimming in a dress, well that's original." He laughed at me, and walked behind me. "May I?" He asked. I nodded in reply to his request, I didn't know what to do, as he began to unzip my dress. I let it fall to the ground, and I turned to him. Glancing into his eyes, I picked it up and tossed it onto the chair. I wanted to kiss him desperately- however couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Will I be meeting Mrs Kennedy any time soon?" I asked him.

"Well, she's away seeing her parents with the children at the moment, and then I don't know- shall we swim?" suddenly, he grabbed my hand, and pulled me into the pool with him. When we came back up from underwater, I he placed his hands around my waist. He looked straight into my eyes, almost asking for permission to kiss me, and then leaned in.

"But Jackie-" I began.

"Nothing else matters" he whispered.

And with that, we shared our first kiss...

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