My dreams

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On this nightmarish day, I keep having these dreams which are repetitive which I don't know if they are real or not? 

My dream -

I go to sleep and see there is no one there and then I see all these people dying. I then start screaming and shouting in this dream. I then have a dream about all these people who are there but then I realize they all have no faces and it really haunts me through my sleep.

End of dream -

I wake up, I jump out of my skin. Having all these goose bumps and tears rolling down my face. My breathing goes out of control, having really bad breathing pains and chest pains, Is this an experience of death? 

I get these calls from my head space Councillor, so I answer the phone.

Phone call -

Me " Hello ? " 

Her " Hi, Hows things going?'

Me " Not so good"

Her " whats up?"

Me " I keep having these repetitive dreams, it's stupid"

Her" Nothing is stupid and i'd rather you explain what's wrong then shutting it into your brain, So please explain Hun " 

Me " True. Fine I'll explain to you. I have these dreams where I have no one and i wake up it's true, then I have this other dream where I have people and they have no faces. it's repetitive and stupid"

Her " Wow didn't know it was that bad, get yourself a book and i'm going to tell you some medication and tea to help with bad dreams and it will help you sleep Okay"

 Me - - Grabs a book and pen - 

Me" Okay done, what would you like me to get? "

Her - " I want you to write, Antidepressant and Spearmint and chamomile tea."

Me " Writes everything down, done " 

Her " Let me know how everything goes, Have a great day hun, bye!" 

Me " Thankyou so much! I hope you have a great day too! Bye".

- Hangs up -

End of call - 

I hope that this medication and tea will help me feel so much better. I decide to start heading down to the shops. On the way there I see these people picking on this teen aged girl, I decide to walk over there and tell them to stop. I walk over there. The bullies run away. I asked the teenaged girl are you okay? She replies yes I am fine. If you need help about bullying the best thing to do is call head space or calling the police since they will do something about it. The teen says alright i'll look into it. Alright good, Have a nice day and don't forget to know that their is always someone to talk to instead of having to put up with it. She replies, Thanks i'll remember that, bye. Bye I reply. 

After that short longish talk I finally walk to the shops and get their in enough time before the shops close. I walk into the shop. Looked around until I finally found the Antidepressant and the Spearmint and chamomile tea. I couldn't believe how cheap these items were, hopefully those items will work. I put my earphones on, and started walking home. I decided maybe to ware me out i could go for a run back home so that's exactly what I did. I arived home within an hour of running, what can I say I was tired and I think it was time for me to have that tea, make dinner and have the medication before going to bed. I make for dinner, was lasagna with garlic bread, something easy. An hour later I eat dinner, have my tea and medication. Within 20 minuets I was passed out and asleep for once, let's hope there is no more dreams like yesterday! 

I wake up, no bad dreams for once! I was so happy, Just in time, my Councillor calls.  

Start of call - 

I start the conversation saying " Hey " 

She replies " Hey, Hows things going?" 

I reply " It's so much better! Thankyou so much" 

She replies" Thats fantastic, Just wanting to let you know you have your appointment with you at 12 o clock"

I reply " Alright thankyou" 

She replies " No worries, Well i'll see you then bye!" 

I reply " Bye!" 

End of call 

The world of Anxiety and depressionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon