Head space 101

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It was an early but sunny day, wishing my sleep was getting better but as usual my sleep is quite terrible.  I get told every day that no head space does nothing but it depends how bad your circumstances are. I had to go there twice a week so i'm assuming that's quite bad? Oh well stuff happens right? I mean I feel like something is wrong with me really badly. Having no friends for most of my childhood, having no one to talk to about anything. People reckon that side of me is gone. Before going to Head space, I of course wrote in my diary. 

My Diary - 

Dear Diary, 

It was a weird morning, 

Having to start my first day at head space.

I feel like crap, putting all my drama onto other people.

I don't think they get why I hate talking about my drama,

But maybe head space might help me be me and maybe some groups since that's what my mum wants. 

I guess I better go to my appointment at 11 am, since I have to walk about 2km to get to my appointment. I'll tell you how my appointment goes afterwards. 

End of diary for now - 

It was 10 am, I thought I better pack my purse,keys and a drink so I don't get dehydrated. 

I walk out the door, lock the door.

As I start walking I bump into my neighbor, No I don't mean physically bump into my neighbor, I mean I walked and saw my neighbor.  I start talking to my neighbor. 

Start of conversation - 

I see my neighbor, I stand there awkwardly as my neighbor says Hi, since we never socialize.

I say " Hi ... "  I freeze there again ( What is wrong with me )

My neighbor " Hows life going? " 

I say " Yeah its been okay could be better, just walking to my appointment and you? "

My neighbor " Yeah I've been good, I hope everything is okay hunni, I will let you go, say Hi to your family for me hunni" 

I say " Thankyou, I will just have a lot on my mind, well I will say hi to the family for you, Well I better get going. Bye " 

My neighbor " Alright, thankyou, bye hunni " .

End of conversation - 

I walk off, I couldn't believe it was 10 :30 am already. I basically had to run to my appointment now.. first day, what an impression. I finally got to my appointment, lets see how this all goes...

Head Space 101 - 

I walk into my appointment,

The person at the counter says " Hi may I help you?" 

I reply " Hi, I have an appointment for Hannahsmarin"

she replies " Alright you may have a seat, Just after the appointment you have a lot of notes to fill out, even on the ipad." 

I reply " Okay, No worries"

- End of conversation - 

I sit down, It's half an hour late... I think to myself they must be late.

A middle aged lady named malissa calls out Hannahsmarin is next please come in.

I get up and walk into her office and take a seat.

I talk and talk on and on about life at home, bullying and about my anxiety and depression. 

She gives me solutions of how to over come these fears and thoughts in my head, which really helped. 

-Two hours pass by -

It was the end of our meeting.

The lady said " It was nice to meet you and i'll see you the 8th of may, see you then. Also did the lady at the desk tell you that you have some forms to fill out."

I reply " It was nice to meet you too, see you on the 8th of may and yes the lady at the desk told me." 

The lady said " Okay good good, alright see you then! Bye".

I replied " See you then, Bye!". 

- End of conversation - 

I leave the office and go to the front counter. 

I say " I got told to fill out some forms and some paper work?" 

She replies " Yes hunni , I will get them for you, shouldn't take long"

I said " Thankyou". 

- End of conversation- 

I go have a sit on the couch and fill out the forms about hows life and information about me, which surprisingly went so quickly. 

I hand the forms back and say " Thankyou bye." and they said " All good, Have a nice day bye". 

I left in an okay mood feeling great about getting it all off of my chest.

I decide to go for a long walk to clear my head. 

I walk and walk for about 2 and a half hours.

HOLY ####! I can't believe it's already 5pm!! 

Okay I guess it's time to go home to have dinner, movie and bed...

I guess that's the end of a long day. 

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