The day I move!

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It was a sunny day, I have been thinking about starting a new life. A new life in the riverlands. I pack my bags and leave. Not telling anyone , leaving my past in the past! Before I leave I had to look like a different person, I re dye my hair to a blonde colour,I cut my hair really short. I sold all my clothes. I decided to re style my clothes, so I bought more city, fashionable clothes. 4 hours later I finish with a new look. I went in my car and drove, I drove fast. I arrived 6h later, it was getting late so I stayed at a hotel.

The next day, I call up the house agents.

-Dials number -

House agent " Hi, this is the house agent how may i help you?"

Me " Hi, I would like to sell my house and buy a new house in the riverlands tomorrow?"

House agent" sure thing! I'll put it on sale and I'll deposit 20 thousand dollars for your house! There is a new house available on 25 lanish ct , do you want that house tomorrow ?

Me " yes I would love to take that house! How much ?

House agent " 2 thousand dollars, it's that much because it needs a little fixing...

Me " Alright, done I'll take it

House agent " alright see you 2pm tomorrow for a house tour and for the keys

Me " alright see you then! Bye

House agent " bye!

- end of call -

I think it's time to celebrate this amazing news !

Now time to look for a job around here !

I read news paper, this is what is available

Newspaper delivery
Hair dresser
Big w
Office worker
Nail art

I highlight the ones that look good, I've decided that I'm going to apply for the photographer. I email them my resume. SENT.... It was getting late so I went to bed ... Goodnight

- End of chapter -

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