Job interview

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It's finally the day of the photographer interview! I was freaking out. I was shaking. I'm scared. Questioning what if I don't make it? Ugh stop complaining,  let's go there and nail this job interview. As i stepped into the room my heart starts pouncing and going really fast. It was like I couldn't breathe. So I quickly breathed in and out. So as I walk in I gave everyone a handshake. Everyone was so welcoming.

Producer - Hi, welcome to UTV photography lounge!

Me - Hi, thankyou for accepting me into this meeting.

Producer- you're very welcome! I would like to answer a few questions if that's alright

Me - yes of course

Producer - why do you want this job?

Me - because having this job is my dream, taking photos of real life and capturing all the amazing moments.

Producer - Hmm alright ( whispers to staff) thanks, how many hours can you work?

Me- I can work full time I have heaps of space and would do anything to have this job!

Producer-  thankyou, can you please have a seat in the waiting room while we speak?

Me - of course! Talk soon

Producer - thanks talk soon!

I leave the room

Two hours later .....

Producer-  Hannah, you can come in. We've discussed and you've got the job! You start Monday so in two days, you will need to wear white top and a black skirt!

Me- Thankyou so much!!!! ( as she is jumping) I will not let you down, see you Monday!

Producer- thanks see you then! Bye for now ( with a huge smile)

Me - bye!

I leave the room

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2019 ⏰

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