History + Klaus Mikaelson

Start from the beginning

"I'm busy, another time my friend." You turned with Malachi and headed home, Elijah stood there in disbelief.

He returned home alone "Who is she?" Finn asks as he eyes his brother's arrival "A friend, Finn." Elijah answers "How do you know her? She looks familiar." Kol comments.

"Trust me Kol, you don't know the lady." Elijah confirms his statement with a sigh "How do you know her?" Finn asks "The question is, how do we know her." Rebekah walks in sitting down on the couch.

"So you both know this woman and we don't?" Klaus questions "Yes, and that's how it should stay I think." Rebekah responds.

"Mikaelson's? Really just when I thought things were bad enough." Astroid complains, you stare your baby brother trying to understand his statement.

"Well Elijah wants to talk to Y/n." Malachi sighs sitting on the posh couch of your modernized living area of your house "No, absolutely not. They didn't know we were the Mason family, it should stay that way." Your brother Storms protests.

"I agree with Storms." Diggy pipes up "Guys, I think he just wanted to know why we were here." You sigh looking at your brothers.

You might've been the oldest but sometimes your brothers acted like they were the oldest "Well still no, we have that blood donation event tomorrow night anyways. And the Mason's were invited." Storms smirks.

"Well we aren't here to wreck havoc so why not? The Mason's are dead anyway. Time to make a come back for these witches." You agree.

"No way, she is totally hot." Kol comments noticing you and your brothers arriving "Kol?!" Rebekah scolds "She might hear you." She adds.

"So she is supernatural." Finn confirms "Enough." Klaus groans standing up "Don't do anything-" Elijah gets brushed off as Klaus heads away from the table.

He growls loudly as an arrow zips through the air and hits him in the shoulder, you look at him and over to your brothers "Find the Mason's!" Someone yells.

"Time to play for me." You smile and wink to your brothers "Psycho." Diggy comments.

You step out and men in black outfits storm in, as one headed towards you you were quick to wrap yourself around him and break his neck letting him fall to the ground.

"She needs help." Rebekah sighs standing up "Y/n 7 o'clock." You turn around and dodge a few punches before slamming him down and staking him.

"Y/n!" You turned around to see a man aiming a gun at you before his heart was ripped out from behind. Rebekah Mikaelson stood behind him and looked at you.

"Mason!" You were taken by surprise as someone tackled you to the ground, a small contained explosion setting off probably from Diggy.

You stared at the ceiling before looking at the man above you "A Mikaelson?" You whispered making him chuckle.

You both stood and you looked at the mess "Now Mason." Elijah stood there looking at expecting an answer.

You sat on the couch staring at the Mikaelson who 'saved' you, names were exchanged and proper introductions were played out.

"So the Mason family is not dead, why say you are?" Rebekah asks.

"People have the wrong thoughts, it was best to just say we were dead so we could operate more easily." You start staring at Storms.

"Y/n still struck fear in others but they agreed to say we were dead, they understood our reasoning." Malachi finishes.

"Well welcome back from the dead." Klaus commented with a smirk.

21 Weeks Later

"Niklaus!" You laughed as he swept you off your feet from behind, he chuckled and grinned "Yes love?" He asks smiling.

"You are so stupid sometimes." You laugh he grins "I am not, might I remind you I am holding you." He pretends he is going to drop you making you grip on to him.

"He loves her doesn't he?" Diggy asks as everyone watches from afar "Very much so." Kol answers.

"Klaus!" You smile as he sets you on your feet pulling your body close to his "You're beautiful." He whispers staring you in the eyes.

"Oh whatever." He smirks "I mean it, darling." He kisses your cheek and you stare into his eyes before kissing him gently "I love you, Klaus." He grins widely.

"Finally!" He lifts you up hugging you making you squeal.

"I love you too." He whispers as he holds you close.

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