Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

After seeing the card, I start having a panic attack. I hear Gemma yell for Juice and next thing I know, he's in front of me talking me down from the panic attack. "Baby, what happened?" He asked me once I was a little calmer. Gemma hands him the card and he reads it. "Prospect, take her into the clubhouse and don't leave her side." he tells the prospect. "Baby, go inside with Rat. Don't come outside. We'll handle this." he tells me and I nod, not meeting his eyes. "Hey, this changes nothing. I love you." he tells me and I nod again. He kisses me softly and I say "I love you too."

I walk into the clubhouse and one of the croweaters brings me a bottled water. "Thank you." I tell her as I sit down. Rat sits at the table across from me and asks "Are you okay?" I shake my head no but he doesn't ask anything else. All of a sudden Lisa walks in and comes to my side. The guys head into church and I sob into my hands while Lisa rubs my back. The guys come out of church and Juice takes my hand and leads me to the dorm. I sit on the bed and look down at my hands. "We know where he is. We're going after him and I'm going to kill him." he tells me and I nod my head. "If you're not on board with this, I'll figure something else out." he tells me. I look at him and say "I'm on board...just...I need to know we're okay." I tell him still worried. "Baby, we are just fine. I'm still going to make you my wife. You see this ring right here? As long as that is on your finger, we are perfect." he tells me. I stand and kiss him softly before we head back out to the main room.

He kisses me softly and says "Stay inside until I get back." he tells me. "I will. Please be careful. I love you." I tell him. "I will baby. I love you more." he tells me before walking out the door. They pull up to the warehouse where Happy and Quinn had already taken James to. Juice gets in his face as he's tied to the chair and says "Remember me?" James just glares at Juice. "Yeah. You remember me. You remember what I told you about if you ever came near my Old Lady again? I said I'd kill you. You stupid mother fucker. She's my Old Lady. My wife. And will be the mother of my kids. You're done." Juice says as he pulls out his gun and empties the clip in James' head.

Walking back out of the warehouse he pulls Tig and Clay over to the side. "I need a favor." Juice says and they nod. "Can you talk to Gemma and Lisa and have them plan a wedding? Have it here in a couple of days? Cass is having a hard time with this shit and I want to show her that I'm serious about marrying her." he tells them. "I'll talk to Gemma and have her talk to Lisa." Clay says. "Just don't let Cass find out. I want it to be a surprise." he tells them and they nod. "We got you brother. Go home to your Old Lady." Clay says.

Juice walks into the clubhouse and walks right to me and kisses me hard and deep. Coming up for air, he says "I fucking love you Cassie. I love you so fucking much." I smile softly and say "I love you too Juice." He picks me up and carries me to the dorm. Laying me on the bed, he kisses me deeply before we start shedding clothes and he enters me slowly. Thrusting in and out at a slow and steady pace, I start to feel myself getting close. He whispers "I love you. I want you so much." I find my release with his right behind me. He looks into my eyes and says "You're mine Cassie." I kiss him softly and say "Only yours."

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