Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Dear Juice,

I've been thinking about what you asked and it might be nice to hear your voice. My number is at the bottom of the letter so if you want to add it to the list you can call me anytime. As far as hearing me sing. Maybe. Possibly. You said you read my letters before going to sleep. Glad to know I'm not the only one. I think about you and the things you say in your letters a lot. I've told you things that would make most guys run and never look back. I still haven't figured out why you haven't.

As far as visiting being in our future, I don't know. The last guy I was involved with at all, made me see some things that I just don't want to subject on someone if I don't have to. I like getting letters from you. Honestly. It's probably the best thing in my life right now. Like I said, I don't go anywhere or talk to many people.

Other than singing, I like to write. I write short stories and a lot of them are very 'detailed' stories. I let my best friend read one and I thought she was going to lose her shit. What's bad is that writing my stories is the only way to show a side of me that few people see. I used to love sex. Not just sex but to the point that sometimes I needed a safeword. Fifty Shades kind of shit. But I have a hard time finding someone that I know won't freak out and call me psycho when they see that side of me. Sucks.

Well, Juice, I better go. Have to get up in the morning for work and want to get your letter out first thing. Be safe and be good please. For me. Until mail call.


I put the letter in the mail. I seem to be telling him things that I don't tell anyone. He's easy to talk to when it's not having to be face to face and see how disgusted he is by me. Just that thought has tears rolling down my face. A few more days go by and I find another letter.

Dear Cass,

Hey baby. I got your number added to the list and as soon as it's approved I can call you. Here's the thing. I had to put what your relation was to me so I said you were my girlfriend. Hope that's okay. As far as running for the hills, I told you there's nothing you can tell me that would make me run. But I have to say that having to have a safeword has me curious. I have heard some kinky shits in those Fifty Shades books. But, babe that doesn't make you psycho. That makes you fun. Do you like being tied up or tying someone up? I like both.

I really hope you change your mind about visitation. I think it'd be really cool to just see each other even if it's just one time. To hold your hand. Hug you. Just have that human touch. It'd be nice. Just think about it okay? That's all I ask. You said my letters were the best thing in your life right now. Yours are the best thing in mine. It makes the days pass faster knowing that any day I'll get a letter from you. You're a cool chick. I like you.

Well, baby, I better go. Lights out soon. I'll be safe and be good. For you. Always. Until mail call.

Your Juice

I read the letter and it just seems like he's saying all the right things. I don't know what to do. Calling Lisa, she picks up on the first ring. "What's wrong?" she asks. She can always tell when something is wrong. "Lisa." I say as I start crying. "I'll be there in a few minutes." she says and hangs up.

A few minutes later she walks in and I am crying on the couch. She doesn't say anything just takes the letter that I hold out for her. She reads it and smiles. "Honey, this is a good thing. He's calling you baby, listed you as his girlfriend. You need to get out of your own head. Lucas is a douche. You are beautiful. Seems like he pretty much has a compliment for everything you tell him. Boy's got game." she says and I start laughing. "I gave him my number so I guess just wait to see how the call goes? I just don't want him to see me and be disgusted." I tell her. "He won't baby. He won't." she tells me.

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