Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

After getting off the phone with Lisa, I re-read the letter again. He has nice handwriting for a guy. I guess writing again won't hurt.

Dear Juan Carlos,

I got your letter today. Thanks for writing back. It felt good seeing something in the mailbox that wasn't a bill or junk mail. I hope you are being safe and staying out of trouble while you are in there. The sooner you get out the better...right? Well, to answer your question. I do work at a construction company as an administrative assistant and I like my job but it's not what I have dreamed of since I was a kid. I love music. I had a full paid scholarship back home to go to college for my music but then I lost dad and didn't want to leave mom. After losing mom, I just couldn't handle being there anymore.

So, tell me what you dreamed about being as a kid. Mine was to be a singer. Not like rock star singer but just a singer. Like in a lounge or something. I know, stupid right? My mom raised me on Etta James and Billie Holiday. But don't get me wrong. I love Mary J Blige and singers of her caliber. I even listen to country music. I mean, I am from Georgia. I will warn you, the more I get to know someone, the more I can be a little bit of a smart ass so just overlook any stupid thing I say.

Well, I better go for now. Stay safe and until next mail call.

Cassie Danielle

I put the letter in the mail and head to work. Walking in, Lisa asks, "Did you write him back?" I smile a little and say "Yeah. I did. Mailed it this morning." I tell her. "Is that a smile? It is." she says faking shock. "Shut up. It was nice coming home to a letter from him." I tell her. She just grins and heads to her desk. Getting home a few days later, there's another letter in the mail.

Dear Cassie Danielle,

I got your letter and again. Thank you. I promise you I am staying safe and out of trouble the best I can. Getting out of here as soon as possible is the top priority here. I'm glad to hear you like your job. That's something that's hard to find. I love my job. And the people I work with. We are a family. Dysfunctional but still a family. My dream as a kid. I wanted to be an artist. But at the same time computers were my thing. I could program a computer like it was nothing. Still can. That dream of being a lounge singer isn't stupid. It's amazing. That kind of environment is more intimate than in a stadium where you can't see anyone's face. It's more personal. I get it. Never heard Billie Holiday or Etta James but love Mary J. Don't really dig into country music but might have to give it a chance.

I like girls with smart mouths. Keeps it interesting. So, tell me something about you that no one else knows. For me, it's that I am secretly a closet romantic. I love showing a girl that she actually matters. Roses. Dinners. Shit like that. I know it's lame but I see my friends all settling down and see how much their wives love them and it makes me want that. But most women don't want someone that's been in prison.

Well, that's about it on this end. Until mail call.

Juan Carlos "Juice"

I look at the letter and think about what he said. He likes romance and wants to find someone to love him. That's what I want. But that's not going to happen. Lucas proved that. No one is going to love me.

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