Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Dear Juan,

I spoke to Lisa today and she said that she's going to be at the clubhouse when you guys get home. Do you want me there or do you want something more private? I can't believe only a few more months and you'll be home. I never thought to ask, do you have a house around here or do you stay at the clubhouse? I know Lisa said that Tig asked her to move into his house and she's moving this week. Either way, you have a home here with me. No matter what.

I seem to go to sleep thinking about you and waking up thinking about you. I love you so much and I hate not seeing you everyday. The phone calls help but I look forward to Saturdays because I can see you and touch you. Not like I want to but still get to touch you. You have no idea what good you have brought into my life. Before we started writing, I didn't want to be here anymore. I wanted to disappear and I didn't think that anyone would even realize I was gone. I hated myself. I had been told for so long that I was disgusting that it was actually what I thought of myself but you changed that. You changed how I look at myself. I can look at myself and smile again. I laugh again. I see the beauty in so many things around me now. Things I never noticed before. Thank you for that. It makes me love you so much more for bringing me back from that hell I was in. You saved me.

Well, baby, I better go. I want to get this out first thing in the morning. I love you so much. Be safe and be good. For me. I love you.

Your Old Lady, Cass

Getting up the next morning, I'm still smiling. I took a vacation day so I am relaxing around the house when there is a knock on the door. Looking through the peephole, I see a woman standing there in a black flowy top, black skinny jeans and her hair is perfectly done as well as her makeup. I open the door and she says "You Cassie?" I look at her for a second and say "Yes ma'am. Can I help you?" She looks me up and down and says "I'm Gemma. My husband is Juice's President. VP is my son." she tells me. "You're the one he says is like his mom. Please come in." I say. "Would you like something to drink?" I ask. "No. I won't be long. I just wanted to come by and meet you. He tells me that you and him got together before you knew he was a Son." she says. "That's right. I didn't know he was a Son until after our first visitation. But we were together by then." I tell her. "You gonna stay with him when he comes home?" she asks. "Until he tells me he's done with me, yes." I tell her and she studies me for a minute. "Kozik said when he had to escort you, you didn't fight him." she says. "No. I didn't. If Juice asked him to stay with me, there was a reason for it. I trust Juice." I tell her. "What about info? You know, if you don't have a crow he can't tell you anything." she says. "I know and I told him as long as he's telling me what I need to know when I need to know it that it was fine but that if he never needed to unload that I was here and it would stay between us." I tell her. "What about the run rule? He tell you about that?" she asks. "No but I brought it up. My friend Lisa told me about it. He agreed to stay faithful no matter what zip code and I'll do everything I can to make sure he has what he needs and is taken care of." I tell her. "Well, you seem to have all the right answers. You okay committing to just him?" she asks. "I already am." I tell her. "Good. I have to go. You come by the clubhouse and meet the family sometime." she tells me. "As soon as I clear it with my Old Man." I tell her. "Good girl." she says before leaving.

Later that evening, my phone rings and I press 1 as soon as I can. "Hey baby." he says. "Hey." I say. "You okay?" he asks. "I'm good. Got a visit from Gemma today." I say. "How did it go?" he asks. "She asked me some questions and I answered honestly. She called me a good girl. Told me to come by the clubhouse and meet the family and I told her as soon as I cleared it with my Old Man. She seemed happy with my answers." I tell him. "Good. I didn't know she was going to come by but you seem to have handled it well." he tells me. "How are you doing baby?" I ask. "I'm good. You know, you don't have to keep putting money on my books. Club handles that." he tells me. "You're my Old Man. It's my job to make sure you have what you need." I tell him. "I love you." he says. "I love you too." I tell him. Once the one minute warning comes on we say our goodnights. "Be safe and be good. I love you." I say. "For you baby. I love you." he says before the call disconnects. A couple of days later I get a letter.

Dear Cass,

I spoke to Clay today and he said that Gemma had nothing but good things to say about you. Do you know how good it makes me look to the club when they see how good of an Old Lady you are and you don't even have my crow yet. To answer your questions. Since you've met Gemma, I would like you there when we get out. I want to be able to walk up to my girl and openly lay claim to everyone there. We can get my crow put on you while we are there but then we are going to your house and I'm claiming my Old Lady.

I don't have a house there. I live at the clubhouse. It was just easier. Didn't really have anyone to share a home with so it was just better for me. I wasn't alone all the time. Would you be okay with me moving in with you when I come home? I would love nothing more than waking up everyday with the woman I love in my arms.

Well, baby, I better go for now. Remember that I love you and if you want to meet everyone then go to the clubhouse and let Gemma introduce you. I love you baby, so much. You've made me so happy. I could never thank you enough for what you've done for me. I promise to be good and be safe. For you, always. I love you.

Your Old Man Juice

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