Chapter Four: Nighttime Chat

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The sun has set for the day, and the moon rises to the cold night sky. Every shop, home, apartment, lanterns turned on their lights.

Every Yeti and human have already said their goodbyes and goodnights to their newly made friends for the day and gone home to their village up the mountain. Every yeti except Migo who stay in the Smallfoot village a little longer, waiting outside of his Smallfoot's apartment. Thankful, Percy and Brenda's neighbors did not mind have an extremely tall yeti outside talking a former TV host through the window at all.

"It's so sweet how you two talk together like that, you two made a beautiful bound." Cindy, One of their neighbors who live right across from them said. Percy appreciates that.

Migo has mentioned a few times how cozy and warm Smallfoot's room looked from the outside. He saw his little bed He slept on, the small desk he sits at, and so many more little thongs he had in his room He kind of wished he can somehow shrink and see everything inside the building from their perspective. Percy has told Migo to wait outside while he and Brenda eat dinner. Both of them cook dinner together, but Brenda did most of the work because she knew the recipe better.

They also manage to take the pancake off the ceiling that was stuck there since this morning. Percy scraped off with a spatula while Brenda held the still ladder so it wouldn't fall. I was a relief to that pancake down, but it left a brown circle on the ceiling.

"Nothing white paint can't do, right?" Percy said positively.

"Like it never happened," Brenda replied.

It turns out the recipe is a family recipe from Brenda's family. She cooked what she considers famous warm veggie soup that was entirely made from scratch. The smell of the roasted veggies only made the two's tummy growl even louder than ever. They ate at a little table on wooden stools in their living room while the TV played in the background. Percy is first to take a scoop with a spoon and puts it into his mouth. His face lights up.

"Brenda, this is really good. You make a bowl of mean veggie soup, I'll say."

"Thanks, Percy. I was thinking maybe we cook can pancakes for breakfast tomorrow."

"Yeah, we can do that. And just maybe it won't end up in the ceiling again."

Brenda laughs at that and takes a bite of her soup. "So, what are you and Snowball going to talk about tonight?"

Percy takes a bite. "Hmm, I really don't know. Whatever pops up in our mind. We will, for sure practice pronouncing our names."

"Oh, that's right! How's that coming along?"

"Not so good. I don't think we made any progress. All I hear is.." Percy made loud growling noise, mimicking Migo's growling noise and movement.

Brenda nodded and took a bite of her soup. "And when I pronounce his name, he'll say I'm saying it wrong."

"That's called a language barrier, Percy. And something like that takes a lot of time. Don't expect him to get it right away."

"I know, I know, I just..." Percy shook his head. Percy's words scrambled in his head. Brenda is right, though.

He was trying so hard to get the name thing under control. Ever since he found out the yetis have names, he has been determined to find out what Snowball's real name is. And Percy has a sneaky suspicion that Snowball wants to know his name too. Sometimes he wonders what Snowball calls him. He hopes it was nothing silly. Percy sighs.

"I just feel like I still don't know much about him."

"I feel that way sometimes when I'm around Wonder too, and I bet everyone in the village has no clue what the yetis names are." Brenda smile with empathy. "We just have to patient and willing, that's all."

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