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LANDO LOGDED HIS FEET in the doorframe hissing at the pain

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LANDO LOGDED HIS FEET in the doorframe hissing at the pain. "Ana it wasn't what it looked like." Ana rolled her eyes. She pushed against the door harder. There was no way that she would let Lando come back into her life. "Will you just listen to me!" His outburst was unexpected and for a second Ana lost her grip on the door. Lando took this as his chance to barge into the room.

His eyes were bloodshot and there was no colour on his cheeks. "Charlotte and I are just friends. She just happened to be at this race." Lando says. He tried to reach towards the Australian only for her to back away—a look of hatred on her face.

"I don't care what explanation you have Lando," Ana hissed. "You don't reply nor answer my calls and when I actually make an effort I see you laughing and flirting with your ex girlfriend for god's sake. Once a cheater always a cheater!

"Maybe we moved too fast Lando. I don't know but this. Whatever we have is over." The brunette gestured towards the both of us before glaring at the British in front of her. Lando scoffed running his hand through his hair. He thought that Ana was better than this. Closing his eyes, Lando sighed once again. He didn't know how to fix this.

"Ana please sweetheart hear me out." Lando uttered.

Ana shrugged. She didn't care. As much as she likes Lando—Ana was not going to put up with his ways. The brunette always believed that communication was key in a relationship and clearly their two week relationship lacked that very much. "No. I don't care what you have to say Lando," Ana said turning around so that she didn't have to see his face or the tears that started to roll down his cheeks. "Just get out and forget that we were ever together."

"I'll do better. Give me one more chance Ana. Please." Ana's eyes were glazed over, everything was being doubled as she was close to crying. She spun around on her heels a tear rolling down her face.

The Australian didn't know why she was going to give him a second chance. He doesn't deserve it and Ana knows that yet a gut feeling was telling her to do it. Her mother's words rang in her ears follow your gut instinct, it's your second heart.

"One Lando. You hear me? One. Uno," Ana pointed a finger in front of his face—the finger representing the number one. She closed her eyes briefly not believing that she was doing this. "And if you fuck it up again you get out of my life. Understand?" Lando nodded a smile on his face.

"Get that smile of your face." Ana demanded making the smile on Lando's face disappear in an instant, his cheeks being covered with a light blush. He'd never met a woman that was more demanding than Ana.

Lando pulled Ana into a hug, inhaling her scent or rather her Jimmy Choo perfume. He could never get enough of her even if he was fooling around with someone else. "Thank you so much. I won't let you down Ana." He kissed her forehead. "I hope not." Ana whispered, drawing circles on his back.

"I want to take you out tonight for dinner and maybe on Sunday we can hit up the pub." Lando pulled away from the hug smiling at the sound of Ana's giggle.

"Pub? You're so English." A look of sadness appeared on Lando's face making Ana stick out her tongue before the two bursted into laughter.

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