012 | KISS

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ANA PULLED AWAY—HER breathing rapid and out of place

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ANA PULLED AWAY—HER breathing rapid and out of place. The same could be said for Lando as he looked at the darken silhouette of the Australian. He couldn't help but smile at what had just happened. The two teenagers were parked outside of Daniel's house and just before Ana had exited her car, Lando had pulled her in for a kiss or rather a make out session.

"I'll see you tomorrow right?" Lando asks his hand stroking her cheek. Ana nodded. "Yes I do believe I am."

Lando pressed his lips on hers once again. The Brit couldn't resist himself considering that he was so close to her. His lips moved to her neck. Ana moaned at the sensation. Her mind couldn't comprehend what was happening—her feelings were all over the place.

"Sorry to break the moment babe," Lando pulls away from her neck, his lips red and swollen from all the missing. "I think Daniel will be wondering where I am." The British pouts but agrees nonetheless.

"Okay. I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Lando says disappointment filling his heart. He wanted the moment that they were sharing to last longer yet that couldn't happen. Ana gives the McLaren driver a sad smile—giving him a goodbye kiss before exiting his car.

"Laters babe." She said disappearing into Daniel's house. Ana leaned on the door, her fingers touching her lips. They were burning but the good kind of burn. Her giant smile ghosted her face as Daniel gave her a glare at her late arrival.

"You have some explaining to do young lady."

"Oh my god! Ana kill this spider!" Daniel yells. He had just spotted a giant spider in the bathroom and even though in Australia he would see them all the time, he was still scared of them.

The brunette sighed—rushing into the bathroom with bug killer. Daniel pointed to the spider that was in the corner before Ana quickly sprayed it. "There you go Daniel. Anything else you need your majesty?" Ana said, slamming the can of bug spray onto the bathroom countertop.

Ana's cousin raised his eyebrows at the girl's behaviour, smirking slightly. "Would you like me to tell your mum what you did last night with British boy?"

Ana shakes her head vigorously. "No! Don't you dare."

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