Of course, Jimin remembers it. They made a bet months ago that whoever had her attention can make the first move. And the one that caught Jeongyeon's full attention was... Taehyung. Of all people. Jimin can't do anything but to step backward and be just her 'best friend', give his respect to the two and everything. It was a big sacrifice, but seeing how happy and contented she is, Jimin supported her all the way. Now, it came to this day that all ended in a 'not okay' state. Seeing her cry over someone not worthy of her makes him feel sad as well. As if guilt clogged his throat, Jimin can't do anything but to watch her from behind.

"Jeongyeon likes you, Taehyung!" Jimin swallowed again. "It was you whom she loves. And you just wasted that away. Aish, Pabo!"

Jimin pushed Taehyung further because of anger and irritation.

At the very start, Jimin would always hear how Jeongyeon compliments Taehyung. How she would tell stories about their simple interactions. And Jimin would listen at her willingly. She fell hard.

She fell in love to the wrong person.

"I've got enough of her." Taehyung said.

It was like a ring in his ears.

"Meo? What did you say?"

Taehyung flashed a foolish smile that made Jimin more agitated. How he hated him to the core. Of how he treats a woman like that. Like a trash that can be thrown away. Like a paper that can be easily thorn.

"I don't like easy girls." He paused. "So bland and plain."

And that sent an end to it. Uncontrollably, Jimin aimed his right arm and threw the man a punch in the face. His knuckles hurt tremendously as it hit the target. Jimin felt the increased pressure. His skin felt warm, hot rather. His fingers and lips were shaking badly, he can't even control his breathing normally. It was as if his anger got a hold of him completely. He can't even think like he usually does. All he could feel is anger and loathing and infuriation.

Jimin loosen his grip and punched Taehyung through the stomach. A loud whimper came from him as he slides down the tiled-flooring, getting hold of the affected area. The ends of his lips bled a drop. His right hand guarded his stomach and he look at Jimin emotionlessly.

"Is t-that all you've got?"

Jimin stared at him endlessly. He manages to throw him another punch but he paused. Taehyung didn't even blink for seconds.

Rather, Jimin neared him and dock his head low to reach his level. He grasps his collar for the second time and attempted to pull him up, bearing all of Taehyung's weight. Jimin neared his lips to his ears, he can almost hear their own breathing.

"From this day on, I don't want to see you near her. Arasso?" Jimin distanced his head and gazed sharply at him.

"That's not the only thing I can do to you."

Aggresively, he released him and vastly exited the scene like nothing happened.

Taehyung watched Jimin leave. He saw how affected he was and he came into a conclusion. Taehyung smiled as his silhouette disappeared. He knew it all along.

"Aigo," he said, out of breath. "You should have said to me that you love her."

Yes. Jimin loves Jeongyeon.


Walking home, Jimin can feel the cold breeze of air. What happened ago still clings in his mind. He can't further control his anger at the moment but he knew, Taehyung deserved it. Of all the people, he doesn't want to see his best friend sulking for someone who doesn't know her worth. He doesn't want seeing her cry for useless things. Jimin wanted the best for her. Jimin wanted to see her smile, laugh and hear her giggles. Whatever it takes, as her best friend, he'll try to make her feel better again.

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