Save Them

373 21 16


"Nightmare!" Reaper yelled into his room, Geno right behind him. "Nightmare! Wake up!" Nightmare opened the door, glaring at Reaper. Cross glared at Geno.

"What do you want?" Nightmare asked. Reaper glared back.

"He's back."

"What? How? You-"

"I killed him. I know. But he's back!" Nightmare rushed out of the room.

"I'll go get the others. Look after Cross or I'll rip your arms off."


"Dream! No!" A scream ripped from Killer's throat as he lay helplessly on the floor, watching the knife slip through Dream's chest. Dream fell, lying lifeless on the floor in front of him. "You said you wouldn't go anywhere."


"Blue?" Blue had gone stiff. "Blue?" Blood leaked from her mouth as she smiled and kissed Dust.

"It's ok. I'm here, I'"

"Blue! Please..."


"You murderer!" Horror dragged himself to Lust's side. "Lust?" Lust didn't respond. "Lust please." Horror collapsed next to her and held her to his chest. "Don't go."


"Kiki, wake up." Error rocked Ink in his arms, weakly watching her breathing grow ever more shallow. "Inky? Don't leave me..." Ink stopped moving. "...Ink?"


"Run!" Reaper pulled the two girls with him as a purple, shadowed figure ran behind him. "We need to get to Nightmare!" A strangled cry came from behind him; he turned to find Geno fall to the floor. "Geno!" He stopped and ran back to her limp body.

"Leave her!" Cross cried. "We have to find Nightmare!" Reaper glared at her.

"Would you leave Nightmare you heartless monster!" Cross stood frozen and shook her head. "You find Nightmare! I'm not leaving her!" Cross turned and ran. She was just around the corner when she heard footsteps behind her. She ran faster.

"You can't hide." Cross turned around, a red, glowing knife in her hand. The man stopped, she threw the knife and had another within a second. He dodged; she threw the second. He dodged that one too and stepped forward.

"Come on Nightmare," Cross muttered, throwing another. "Where are you?"

"Cross?" Nightmare's voice came down the hallway. Cross turned to see him. A stinging feeling invaded her chest. "Cross!" She looked down. A knife was sticking out of her chest. One of her red, glowing ones. Suddenly, breathing was hard and the world was fading. Nightmare's voice came to her ears distant and broken. "Cr...s!" Cross collapsed.


Nightmare ran forward. "I can fix this," He sobbed, cursing Reaper. "I can fix you. I will put you back together."


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