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"Come in, come in. I'll tell you all about it." Ms CQ led the way into her home and graciously offered them a seat. "Asy!" A white-haired figure wearing a straitjacket ran into the room and giggled at her. "Do you mind getting these lovely girls some biscuits and tea (I don't know why Momma CQ is British in this but roll with it.)." The umm gender-neutral figure called Asy giggled again and leapt from the room swinging their loose straitjacket arms as they went. Cross, the bluntest of the group, said.

"Are they insane or... what's with the straitjacket?" CQ looked up at Cross and hesitantly replied.

"Asy is here getting kindness treatment. He had to keep his straitjacket on just in case but he's mostly harmless. His name, Asy, actually comes from the word Asylum. A bit of a cruel name for the doctors to give him if you ask me but he likes it so it's staying that way." Asy returned with the supplies and giggled at the group of girls, studying them before coming to a bandaid on Cross's finger, a mark of Cross's dangerous obsession with knives.

"Oo, ooooo!" Asy exclaimed. "You have bandaid! I love bandaids! Bandaids make better! Can I have your bandaid?!" Cross stared at the excited little bean before removing her bandaid and handing it to them. Asy didn't seem to mind the remaining blood left on it and immediately ran away with it. The group of girls watched him in disbelief. CQ turned to them with an apologetic expression on her face.

"Sorry, Asy just has this obsession with bandaids," She apologised "They'll clean it but I'm afraid you'll never see that bandaid again. I can get you a new one if you need one, but it'll have to be right before you leave or Asy will take it."

"No that's ok Ms CQ," Cross assured a bit awkwardly (Me when someone does something nice "Who are you and what have you done with the dickheads that inhabit this world?")

"If you don't mind Ms CQ," Blue began "Can you tell us what this job is about?" CQ nodded.

"I presume you noticed the big mansion on top of that hill," The group nodded, their attention captured, especially Dream. "Well quite some time ago a good friend of mine left that to me to use at my leisure. I have been unable to inhabit it but I did leave some precious things in there and I'm afraid of losing them. Your job is to be security guards and make sure nothing happens to them." The group considered.

"Guys? What do you think? It doesn't sound too bad," Ink asked.

"I'm all for it," Cross answered. Blue nodded.

"I mean it's the best we got..." Lust murmured.

"Let's do it," Dream said definitively. Ink turned to Ms CQ.

"Alright, we'll do it. When do we begin?" Ink asked. Ms CQ smiled.

"Thank you. It's a night shift so you'll have to be extra careful and I would really appreciate it if you could start tonight. It's Monday so you could make it a week." The girls nodded.

"Ok then, we'll try it for a week and see how we go," Ink confirmed, she reached forward and shook CQ's hand.

"One more thing," the pink haired woman added. "My daughter Geno will be accompanying you."

"Why?" Dream asked.

"Because," said a voice from the top of the stairs. "I felt someone in the family should help and I'm not letting my younger brother do it, he's twelve." A white-haired girl with a distinctive red slash mark on her chest appeared. The other girls stared. "What?" She asked.

"Nothing!" The others cried, except Cross who continued to stare. Geno rolled her eyes.

"You can stay with us until 11 am when we have to begin walking up. Our shift starts at 12 am." Suddenly the cries of a child could be heard from upstairs. Geno swore under her breath and after grabbing a cookie she ran back upstairs yelling.

"I'm coming Fresh don't worry!"

Yeah, I remember that Geno's here
Did you really think I'd let Afterdeath die?

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