The Marionette

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"Psst, I have something to tell you."

"Hey, hey I want to tell you something."

"Psst. Hey, over here. Get closer."

"Excuse me, can you come a little closer?"

"Hey, down here. Hello, I wanted to ask you something. It's something really important."

"Ah!" Cross yelled, sitting up.


"Huh?" Cross looked up. In front of her stood a man almost completely covered in black goop with four tentacles emerging from his back. Some of his black hair covered an eye and the other was a bright, cyan blue. Cross stared.

"You're not screaming?" He asked.

"No, why would I be screaming?" Cross asked. A blush crept up his face and he turned away. "I'm guessing you're the Marionette."

"You would be right."

"Where are we?"

"My room." Cross stood up. She was in a big dark purple room with satin sheets on the bed and expensive furniture filling the room.

"Woah," She breathed.

"Feel free to look around." She began running her hand on the wallpaper and feeling the paintings that hung on the wall. As she passed The Marionette she heard him sing.

"...An empty tomb..."

"What?" She asked. He shook his head.

"Nothing." Just as she turned back to what she was doing she felt something under her hand. Holding her breath, she followed the feeling and found a hole in the wall. She pulled and a door opened. She looked through it and found another room. This one was covered in bright yellows and golds and the furniture glistened. A painting stood at the centre of the room.

"Hey, Dream always talked about an old painting her family had to leave behind when they left the country, that one kind of looks like it... and..." Cross withdrew from the room and looked back at The Marionette. "Nightmare?"

"Dream?!" Ink yelled. "Dream where are you?!" Her voice echoed through the hallway as she ran. The darkness made it almost impossible to see ahead of her. Suddenly, she tripped on something and fell to the ground.

"You should have come here," A voice echoed through the hallway.

"W-Who are you?"

"I was named Error, a mistake, now they call me Mangle."

"E-Error? Are you going to kill me?"

"Kill you? Oh, I'm going to play a game. It's called Pull Apart and Put Back Together. I'm very good at destroying things." Ink closed her eyes.

"Before you do that, can I have a last wish?"

"Isn't the request for a last wish a last wish?"

"Well, my last wish is part of the request of a last wish."

"Ok then, go ahead." Ink took a breath.

"I wanna draw something."

"Draw something?"

"Please?" Ink felt some strings wrap around her frozen body and pull her upwards. Soon, she found herself looking into the red, yellow and blue eyes of Error. He pulled her into his chest with one arm and she felt him begin moving across the ceiling. She relaxed in his arm and closed her eyes as she was transported through the mansion.

"Ink? Ink where are you? Ink I'm scared," Blue's voice faded further and further into silence as she spoke. She'd lost her only a few minutes after she ran after her and now she was unsure how to get back.

"Dum dum dum," A humming noise came from behind her and Blue froze in fear. "My, my, now what is a cute thing like you doing here?" Blue began to shake. "Awww, are you scared of me?" A hand crept around her shoulder and her breath quickened. Suddenly she was picked up and held bridal style. She screwed her eyes shut as she heard a laugh and. "I think I'll keep you."

(Damn dude I made Dust creepy)

Geno slowly opened her eyes as the silence of the room crept in.

"Cross?" She called. "Guys?" She sat up. Tears came to her eyes. "Mum? Bro?" Tears fell down her face and she closed her eyes, trying to wipe the tears away. Someone took her hand and brushed away her tears.

"I guess you forgot about me."

"H-Huh?" Geno croaked.

"Don't you remember, Gen?

It's me."

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I'm on a roll! Got some shipping in!

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