Night 2

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That's who I based your character off @moonriver1728 just so you know.

"Guys we need to talk about the job," Dream began. They were sitting in Ms CQ's extra room on the carpet eating chocolate cookies. The group nodded with cookies stuffed in their mouths.

"There's definitely something going on in there," Ink noted. "I don't know if I want to lose my life to find out though."

"I don't know that first night wasn't that bad," Blue said, softly "Just...tense that's all."

"I want to go back," Lust said. "I saw Horror after 6 and he looked completely different."

"I want to go back too," Cross agreed. Everyone stared at her.

"I thought you would be the first to resist a return," Dream commented.

"There's something I need to go back to."

"So? Are we going back then?" Dream asked.

"Well, we did promise to stay for a week..." Ink added.

"We're going back," Cross confirmed. Everyone nodded. A knock came from the door and Ms CQ walked in.

"Excuse me girls but are you going back?" She asked. The girls nodded. "Well, I'd just like to tell you that I'm going with you." They stared at her. "Yeah, Geno's not happy but I need to be there with you."

"What about Fresh and Asy?" Ink asked. Ms CQ smiled.

"Oh, I've hired a baby sitter. Her name's Alliah, she'll be coming around ten to make sure nothing happens to the kids."

"Oh ok."

"Maybe you should all take a power nap before we go."

"Yeah ok."

A knock came from the front door and Ms CQ turned to open it. The girls, who were playing cards on the table after a nap, turned to look at who'd entered. At the front door stood a blue-grey haired girl with cat ears and a dog ears underneath those (That's what they look like to me). She wore a blue and yellow striped shirt and black shorts. Her ears twitched as she smiled.

"Good evening Ms CQ!" She said in greeting. "How's Fresh? How's Asy? I brought him some bandaids!" Asy's head peeked out from the kitchen.

"Miss Alliah has bandaids. I want bandaids, yes, yes!" He yelled, excitedly. Alliah ran forward to give him a hug.

"Good evening Alliah," Ms CQ returned. "Fresh is upstairs playing if you wanna see him." Alliah squealed, picked up Asy and ran up the stairs to find Fresh. "Alright girls, we should get going soon." CQ continued. Everyone nodded and rose from the table to leave. Geno scowled as they began walking to the mansion. CQ looked at her, unsettled.

"Geno? Are you ok?" Dream asked. Geno ignored her.

They arrived at the mansion, Geno still ignoring Ms CQ. As they moved through the girls tensed in fear.

"Don't worry, they don't wake up until 12," Geno assured. She opened the door and lead everyone in. Blue started up the cameras, Ink and Dream stood at their doors, Cross joined Blue, Lust ran to the window to look for Horror but not finding him there joined Blue and Cross, Geno looked around the room. "Where's Mum?" She asked. Everyone looked around, Ms CQ was nowhere to be seen. The clock struck 12 and the phone rang.

"Hello? Hello? Um, hi. If you're listening to this you're alive, so congrats I guess. This is the second night so you'll probably see Dust, you know who he is by now I'm guessing, move a lot more. And you'll probably see Killer a lot more too. Uh, just so you know, Dust is really fast so as soon as you see that he's no longer in his room, I recommend closing the doors and waiting for him to go away. If they do see you maybe go limp, or at least stop moving then they might not notice you as fast. You know, maybe grab yourself a little time. Uh, anyway good luck. Try not to die" The phone turned off.

"Great," Cross muttered, "Blue where is everyone?"

"Killer and Dust are in their rooms. Woah Horror's already out!"

"Really?" Asked Lust. Blue nodded.

"And Error?" Asked Geno.

"The hallway. He's..." Blue trailed off.

"What?" Ink asked.

"He's hanging upside down." The girls left their posts to look. Error was hanging upside down by blue strings coming from his fingertips grinning at the camera.

"How's he doing that?" Ink asked.

"His ability is summoning strings. We don't know where they came from but he's always had them," Geno answered. Everyone stared at her.

"How'd you know that?" Ink asked. Geno ignored her.

"Hey Geno," Lust began. "Is that your Mum?" Geno looked. Ms CQ was walking down the hallway towards the one Error was hanging from.

"Mum!" Geno yelled. She turned to run for her when a noise came from the camera.

"Error," CQ said. "My darling son, I know you're in there but if you can't come out that's ok. I just want to go, I'm leaving Asy and Fresh to your sister and Alliah. Do you remember them? If you don't that's ok but I want you to come home someday ok?" Error wasn't responding but he looked confused and he wasn't moving. "Do you remember how you liked to watch people draw? You used to climb up trees to watch them. And remember how you were always arguing with Fresh? And how you used to knit those puppets?"

"Mum?" Geno whispered tears in her eyes.

"I'm always thinking about you by the way I wish I didn't leave you there when it happened but I don't blame any of you. You were always such a sweetheart and I hate seeing you like this. Error, I want you to come home."

"Mum?" Error's voice came out rusty and unused as he stared at Ms CQ as she placed a hand on his cheek. Suddenly, the camera cut out and all that was heard was a scream. The camera came back online and there was no one there.

"Guys! Get to the doors!" Cross yelled. Geno stood, shell shocked while Blue began scrolling through the cameras again.

"Horror's in the dining room and Killers in his room. I can't find Error. Oh, he's in his room. Close the doors!" Ink and Dream complied and a thumping was heard at the left door. It stopped.

"Was that Dust?" Asked Dream. Blue nodded.

"I'm so glad I checked his room," She breathed. "Ok, he's in his room again." Ink turned to Geno who had barely moved.

"Geno?" She asked. Geno didn't respond. "Are you ok?" Geno snapped.

"No! I might have just witnessed my own brother kill our mother! Why would I be ok?" Everyone stopped moving.

"So he really is..." Cross trailed off. Geno nodded.

"Leave me alone."

"Hey guys, where's Lust?" Dream asked. The room quieted even more. Lust was gone.

Wow, I wonder who Dust is? *Sarcasm*

Yeah, I made it pretty obvious.

So I have some Horrorlust, some Crossmare and a lil bit of Dustberry. I have quite a few ships to go.

And thank you @moonriver1728 for offering to look after Fresh and Asy just when I wanted to kill off Momma CQ. It was very helpful.

Btw, am I the only one that is 99.9999999999999% sure that @__Purple_Fluffball__has a hit out on every Crossmare fanfiction? She's everywhere I look that has Crossmare!

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