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"Cheer up Cross!"

"Cheer down Ink."

"Is this gonna be a thing or..."

"Listen, that's the fifth town we've been to and there's no luck," Cross asserted, not taking her eyes off the road. "Everyone's either taken or sexist."

"Or a brothel," Lust chimed in.

"I think we can all agree that a brothel is pretty sexist."

"Guys!" Dream interrupted. Everyone but Cross stared at her. Dream hadn't done anything but stare out the window the whole week or so since they'd left. "Can we please not fight anymore?" Tears began to trickle down her face and she turned away and went back to staring out the window. Silence filled the vehicle. Even Cross who couldn't see what was happening felt the uncomfortable vibe and stayed silent. That is until...

"Guys there's a town up ahead." Everyone perked up. Indeed a town was appearing on the horizon it's brick buildings gradually emerging as they approached. Cross stopped the car and got out, the rest followed.

"Huh, this is kind of old fashioned," Blue remarked.

"What's that mansion on the hill?" Ink asked. A gothic styled mansion painted with dark tones and surrounded by extensive gardens stood before the group. It was huge, even for a mansion, and according to the windows was four floors high. "Hey, Dream look at that. Dream?" Dream was staring at the mansion with a faraway look on her face. "Dream?" Everyone else noticed and began to yell at her too.




"Huh, what?" Dream jumped at looked at her friends.

"You died for a minute there," Lust said.

"Oh um, sorry. Let's go in shall we?" And with that Dream turned away from the magnificent mansion and walked into the new town.

"You'd think we'd find at least something!" Lust whined as the group met up again. "How did you guys go?"

"Nothing either, unless your ok with being a janitor and part-timer at a gentleman's club that I was informed of by a hobo across the street," Cross answered.

"No." Was Lust's flat answer. The group had split into three with Lust pairing up with Dream, Ink pairing up with Blue and Cross preferring to go it alone. Ink and Blue hadn't come back yet.

But they're about to...

In three...



"Guys! Guys!" The group turned to find Ink and Blue running towards them, waving their hands in the air. "We think we found something!" The rest ran over to meet them and panting for breath the two girls pointed backwards at a woman with bright pink hair standing outside a quaint little house on the left side of the street. She smiled at the girls as they ran up to her, feeling hope for the first time all week.

"Hello girls, my name is Momma CQ but you can just call me Ms CQ."

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