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"Shouldn't we be looking for a gift for Hoseok?" I laughed and threaded my arm through Minho's.

"Nah, it's not his birthday, it's just a congratulatory party. He made it to the finals in that underground competition I was telling you about." Minho nodded his head and looked around.

"So, you want to watch a movie or something?" I had dragged him unwillingly into a movie theater. I nodded my head.

"Yes, there's a movie I've been wanting to see coming out today." Minho pulls his hat a little lower on his head and his mask up a little higher.

"Don't you think people will recognize us?" I glanced back at him and smiled.

"Maybe you, but I'm not famous yet, this is my first important role and it hasn't aired yet." I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

"Ok so you don't care if I get mobbed?" I laughed and pushed him towards the theater room our movie was in.

"Just go find us some seats, no one will recognize you in the dark, I'll get the popcorn and drinks."

"Get some M & Ms too. And I want a coke." I rolled my eyes.

"Yes sir, anything for you." I turned to head towards the concession stand when I felt myself being tugged back. Minho pressed his lips softly against my cheek.

"Don't take to long and be careful please." I huffed at him and made my way to the stand, I didn't want him to see the blush that was creeping across my face. After getting the snacks I made my way into the theater. It wasn't hard to find Minho, looks like he did get noticed.

"Can I have your autograph?"

"Oppa! Can I get a picture!?" I stepped between him and the two fans.

"Alright girls, how about we let Minho enjoy the movie?"

"But we wa-"

"Or I can call security?" They looked towards the ground then bowed an apology and walked off towards the back of the theater.

"Won't get noticed in the dark huh?" Minho grumbled as I sat down. I shrugged.

"Not my fault you're so damn hot, people are bound to notice you because you look good and then because you look good they'll end up staring and eventually they'll figure out who you are."

"They are gonna take pictures."

"So." I pulled out my phone and held it up, posing my signature V sign.

"Here we'll take a picture first."

TaeTae🐵🐵' s story

Sunshinehobie☀️🌸 is typing

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Sunshinehobie☀️🌸 is typing...

Can you just go ahead and admit you two are dating already.

I have no idea what your talking about Hyung🤷🏻‍♂️


I laughed and put my phone away.

"What's so funny?"

"Hoseok, he wants me to go ahead and tell the world we're dating." Minho took a a handful of popcorn and shoved it in his mouth.

"Why don't you?" I smiled at him.

"After the release of the drama I will, I want to be recognized for my talents not for being Choi Minho's boyfriend." He grabbed my hand and twined our fingers together.

"You are my boyfriend, but I understand, we can wait until your ready." I smiled at him and then the room grew dark, I settled comfortable into my seat as the movie started.

"Hey, Tae?"

"Hmm?" I said in response not taking my eyes off the screen.

"Why didn't you invite Yoongi and Hoseok? Isn't that why we went to your place?"

"They were busy." Was all I said.

"You caught them having sex didn't you?" I choked on the piece of popcorn I had been in the process of swallowing.

"I- I mean no, but yes, but no, they were done, I think?"

"Shhh." We heard from behind us. I sank into my seat.

"Sorry." I muttered out. Minho chuckled beside me and I hit him on the arm.

"So annoying." I said smiling into my bucket of popcorn.

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