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Nerves. My nerves were completely shot. Hoseok was late. Like 20 mins late and he wasn't replying to any of my messages or answering my calls. I tapped my fingers impatiently against the table. My drink in front of me already cold. Was something wrong? Was everything ok? Did he get hurt!? My head was making up so many different scenarios and none of them were ending good. I glanced out the window, surprised to see it raining. This wasn't making anything any better I groaned. Did something happen to the bus he had taken? Did something happen to him as he was crossing the street? I took my phone out again and dialed Namjoon's number.

"Hello? Hyung?"

"Namjoon! Have you heard from Hoseok!? We were supposed to meet 30 mins ago, but he's late." I heard a noise of surprise on the other line.

"He left almost an hour ago, he wanted to be there early he said. You've called him?" I tried my hardest to hold onto my smart remark because that was the logical thing to ask, but I guess I was trying to hard cause I was quite for too long.

"Of course you have, um, I'm gonna try and call him myself and if I can't get him I'll call Jimin."

"What should I do?" Namjoon was quite for a moment. But it was a thoughtful silence so I knew he was thinking.

"Stay where you are, In case he shows up."


"Don't say you need to do something. Because what if nothings wrong and he shows up and your not there?"

"But what if something is wrong and I'm not there to help him?" There was a clicking noise on the other side of the line.

"Don't think that way Hyung." He hung up and I was left to sit and stew...

Namjoon's P. O. V.

"Everything ok?" I sighed as I clicked on Hoseoks number.

"I think Hoseok is getting Yoongi back for standing him up a year ago." Seokjin sat up from where he was laying in my lap, we had been watching a movie together.

"Why would you think that?" I chuckled as the other line clicked.

"What are you doing and why do I think it's bad?" I heard a laugh from the other side of the line.

"Your right it is bad, I'll go inside now." We both hung up and I laughed to myself.

"He made Yoongi wait and worry the man called me about to freak out. Hoseok really is terrible when it comes to getting people back." I shook my head and Jin chuckled as he layed his head back in my lap once again.

"There is seriously something wrong with you guys friendship." He laughed and I couldn't help but smile down at him as I ran my fingers through his silky hair.

"Just hush and watch the movie." I knew without looking at him that he was smiling.

Yoongi's P.O.V.

"Hey sorry I'm late." I was so lost in thought with my head on the table that I didn't hear Hoseok when he first spoke or when he sat down. So when he tapped my head I jolted up right.

"Are you ok Yoongi?" There he was, sitting across from me, smiling that heart shaped smile of his. I had been so worried and so distraught that the sight of him sitting across from me smiling and perfectly fine broke me. I didn't realize how much I actually loved this man until this moment. I shot up and dashed to his side of the table and pulled him into my arms.

"I'm so glad your ok, I was so worried." I cried out, I couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

"I'm so happy, your ok." I kept saying over and over.

Hoseok's P. O. V.

Well shit, I really fucked up, I thought to myself as Yoongi cried onto my shoulder. I just wanted to get him back for standing me up so long ago and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity I had no idea his imagination would go as wild as it did. I patted his head until he calmed down. Not caring about all the people staring at us. Finally he stood and looked down at me. And then it hit me, it hit me like a ton of bricks, that look of unfathomable and unconditional love. This man standing in front of me with silent tears running down his cheeks, was in love with me. Shit my emotions were running wild. I hurriedly grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the cafe and onto the street where I turned us down an empty ally. I turned around and pulled him into me crashing our lips together.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Yoongi." I whispered out as I rested my forehead against his.

"Sorry? Why are you apologizing?" Instead of answering I kissed him again.

"I love you." He looked stunned at first, but then his face lit up, but then it grew suspicious again.

"Wait, weren't you coming here to talk to me about things? Wait wait wait." He said as he pushed me away.

"Aren't you seeing someone? Didn't you tell me there was no room left for me? Didn't you tell me to move on? But, but now your here kissing me and telling me you love me? What's going on?" He looked scared and honestly I couldn't blame him.

"I lied."

"Huh?" He laughed then and it was my turn to be confused.

"Of course! Of course you lied! You don't love me, you just wanna play with me and get me back for hurting you! I get it now, I'm sorry I did what I did, or didn't do. Or whatever, I'm sorry ok, but this is a bit much don't you think?" I shook my head and took a step towards him.

"No, no that's not what I lied about Yoongi." He put his hands up to stop my advance.

"No, no I don't want to hear anymore. Please, I get it. Your Happy now, I shouldn't have been so worked up and worried, I'm sorry about your party too. I'll go now." He turned to leave and I reached out to grab his hand.

"Yoongi! Will you just shut up and listen to me?" That stopped him.

"I didn't lie about loving you, I lied about being over you and about seeing someone else. I said those things in an attempt to hurt you and I shouldn't have done that and I'm sorry. I'm also sorry about today, I deliberately stayed out to make it seem like I was late and didn't pick up your calls or answer your texts on purpose."

"You ignored me and made me worry for revenge?" I couldn't lift my eyes to look at him, when he put it like that it sounded really bad.

"I'm sorry." He was quite for so long that I had to look up and check if he was still standing there. He was, his hand rubbing the bridge of his nose in an attempt to stay calm.

"And what? I'm supposed to sit here and listen to you explain things when you wouldn't let me do that a year ago?" He had another good point.

"So, is this it? Are you mad enough to not take me back?"

"Oh hell yea I'm mad." I felt tears pricking the corner of my eyes, I had a chance to fix this and I fucked it up. I turned my back to him and began to walk away, not really caring about the direction I was heading, just wanting to get away from here. Suddenly I was pulled back and a pair of arms wrapped around my waist pulling me back into a solid chest.

"I didn't say we weren't getting back together." The tears spilled over as I turned to wrap my arms around him.

"So your taking me back? We can try again? Cause this has been a horrible year without you by my side." He chuckled and started running his fingers through my hair.

"Yea, we can try again."

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