Finals: Rebecca Hydes

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I woke up with damp clothes in the dark.

Maybe it was just dark outside but I doubt it.

I sat up and looked around.

I couldn't see anything but I certainly new that I wasn't outside.

I got up and started walking with my hands feeling the surroundings.

I could feel a rough surface that was hard and I raised an eyebrow.

This was weird.

Definitely not outside otherwise I would most likely be feeling either a tree or air or maybe even water but I doubt it.

I could hear tip toes coming behind me and it sounded like more than one person and then a cannon went off.

I had no idea who the  cannon was for I just new that somebody else was in this place and in  order to win I needed to kill them so I crept up behind the person  hoping they wouldn't hear me.

My bow and arrow were firmly in my hand and I got ready to fire.

I still had no idea who I was killing but once I killed the mystery person I was going to look for the exit to this place.

I silently walked behind  this mystery person who seemed to be getting around in the dark quiet  good so I had no other option but to shoot otherwise she or he may see  me.

I shit my bow swiftly and it lodged in the mystery persons back making him or her fall to the ground.

I didn't stay to see wether he or she was really dead I was just keeping out an ear to see if I could hear a cannon.

I did In fact hear a cannon and i relaxed a bit more but still kept running.

I wasn't looking where I was going and all the sudden I'm in the Cornucopia.

The light blinding me.

I covered my hands over my eyes but uncovered them quickly to take in my surroundings.

The beaches looked beautiful and the trees in the distance looked just as beautiful as the beach.

To bad this was where twenty three people were going to die.

Right in this very arena.

All the sudden a few people cam into view.

Who I recognized as Delila, Vim and Nickelodeon but I don't think they were coming together.

I got my bow ready once again and got ready for a good battle.

I was going to win nobody else.

I grinned at the three trying to make it as devilish as possible although it didn't really work.

Then all the sudden I saw Delila jump on Vim's back.

I tried my best to hold in a laugh.

It was quiet a funny sight really.

She looked at me and looked at him and I got the message.

I fired my bow hitting Vim just below his ribs and he crumpled to the ground but me and Delilah weren't finished with him yet.

She decided the time that she would sit on him and while this happened I raced over and grabbed Nickelodeon.

The next part was weird because all I remember is two cannons going off and then getting put on a plane.

I don't even know what happened to delila.

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