Interview: Hayley (District 7)

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When they called my  name, I didn't hesitate. For one second ,I grabbed my locket to give  myself courage and then walked on stage like I did nothing else. My  dress made of deep blue silk with little silver stitches in it felt like  a second skin and I knew I had to make a good impression to survive,  and I would. They asked me why I, Hayley Cullow from district 7 should  win. "Easy," I replied. "I have the intentions to get out of here alive,  to see all of you back again. I am sure I can, and that's the most  important. And now I am standing here, asking all of you to support me,  so I can stay alive, in the prettiest dress I've ever seen. Talking  about irony. Well help me, don't help me, your choice. I'll survive  anyway." and I walked off stage.

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