Interview: Taylor (District 3)

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With my head raised I  walk on the stage. I'm wearing a blue dress, just above the knee with a  white pearl necklace.  It was a bit girly for my taste, but my stylist  thought it was just perfect. I hear some people chuckle, I don't blame  them. I maybe look all sweet and innocent, with my curly brown hair, big  chocolate brown eyes and sweet smile, I'm defiantly not.  I smile an  innocent smile at the audience and sit down on the empty chair.  "I'm  Taylor Ferrow. I'm fourteen years old and I'm from district 3," I say in  my sweetest voice. Some people smiled at me, but some rolled their  eyes.  They probably thought I can't kill to survive, boy are they  wrong. They ask me why I should win, so I answer: "I don't have a good  home in District 3. I have to take care of my little brother and mother,  they are both sick. So I had no other chose than to enter the games.  And I'm sure I'm going to win, to help my family." I stand up, bow at  the audience and walk off the stage

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