Situation 1: Entries

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Woody'S POV

As I rise out of the  ground the first thing I see is water; the cornucopia in the middle. I  take a deep breath. I know I can't swim. There is no way I will get to  the cornucopia, but I have to. As the gong sounds I run for the water,  but as soon as I touch it I know that it will be the death of me, so I  run to the woods. I run deep into the forest, trying not to be seen, but  I am. A tribute, I am pretty sure it is Mazon from district four, but I  can never be sure. I climb up a tree, trying to hide myself, but Mazon  still sees me. I knife wizzes up at me, hitting the tree. I leave it  there and another come flying at me. I leave that one too. Two more fly  up at me, but soon Mazon gets bored and continues on into the forest. I  pick up my four knives. It's time to get some tributes. I leap out of  the tree and run back for the beach. Six tributes are just exiting the  water. I throw my knifes at them, hitting all four of them. Three fall  down instantly; the fourth runs at me and tackles me to the ground. I  pull the knife out of his shoulder and shove it into her chest. Blood  drops out of his mouth and he falls on top of me. I shove him off and  run back to the jungle as the bloodbath cannons sound.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven...


Nickelodeon'S POV

I am risen up to a  horrid place that smells of salt and seaweed. I realize where we are. A  beach... great just what I needed a place I have to swim and nowhere to  hide.I see the girl from my district practicly quivering to death I will  not kill her absolutely not! I then see the cocky faces of all of the  boys. Most of them are smaller than me but still could catch up to me in  the ocean. I turn my gaze to the ocean seeing things randomly floating  in the water. I finally notice what ridiculous outfit my stylist put me  in. A sleeveless white tee with flames coming up over my torso, my pants  are simple red sweatpants with orange flames spiralling the lower half  up. Good god did I wish I had a hoodie right now. It was flipping cold!  Oh well at least my outfit would allow me to swim with ease in the  water. I finally hear the monstrous noise signaling for us to run for  our lives. I am by far the fastest well almost. The boy from district  three caught up to me. I dashed into the water making a grab for a pack  full of useful items I grabbed a bow and a simple knife and sword I feel  great pain as something stings me. It wasn't a sting. It was a throwing  star. I dash over to the thrower slicing his head clear off. Wow is  this sword sharp poor district three no food for them this year. O well.  I dash off into the distance hearing a cannon signaling the death of  what's his face from district three. Inhaling the salty arohma I got  dizzy. I throw up my last meal. Shoot that was wasted nutrients and  water.I hear a stalker behind me I quickly turn around and see a small  girl

From district 8 Delia  was her name i believe, trying to throw a knife failing and cutting  herself. Poor girl. I hurl my self toward her jabbing my sword into her  chest.I see the life leave her eyes a tear rolls down my cheek  remembering my sister back home. I will win this for her. Again I hear  the cannon. I run tears finding large hiding holes around my eyes. The  tears instantly well up creating pools that gently slide down my face. I  see woody mourning over a body. I can't make out who it is before I  slide an arrow in my bow silently and release letting the bow whir into  his back. Woody grabs at his chest and falls over. I see that the body  is female. Its the girl from his district.

I silently slip over to  the body I haven't seen her picture run across the sky. I check her  pulse she is still alive. I doubt she would have lived anyway so I  quickly snap her delicate neck. Wow how heartless could I be. I stand up  not making a single noise and creep over to a rock. I tap on it. It  sounds hallow I peer into a hole in the rock hmmmm. It is! I dig a  shallow hole to climb under and into the large rock I quickly slide sand  back into place I hear footsteps come and go screams, laughter and now  and then the cannon. Who knew I had so many emotions. I lettears roll  down my face freely now creating a pool of tears for my pillow. After  awhile I silently drift off to a restless slumber.

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