Game 5 Finalist: Skyeee

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Name: Elena

Age: 17

District: 5

Celebrity look alike: Hayden Panetteiere

Physical Description: Blonde hair, Tan,Tall, built but not to built

Traits: Fast runner, agile, Quick thinker, Amazing Aim, planner

Weapon of choice: Bow with arrows that spread out when inside target making it impossible to get out

Job: Working in power plant (not everyone gets happy endings)

Favorite Enviroment: Market in the mornings

Favorite Activity: helping out in the market

District token: Neckless with a gold key on it (meant for my chest that is hidden at home. i have the key with me to motivate me to come home and add things to my chest.)

The First Redemption Games (1-5) & The Writer Games | 6 - 7Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora