District 6 Male Tribute: KeptInShadows

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Name: Lukkas Tittlei

Age: 12

District (or Capitol): 6

Celebrity Look-a-like: Greyson Chance

Small physical Description: He has dark hair and dark blue eyes. His skin is tannish.

Traits that could be useful in the arena (name only 5): Bravery(volunteered for his sister), speed, strength

Weapon of choice: Anything, although not good at archery

Job: Assists his father when conducting trains.

Favorite environnement:  He doesn't really have a favorite enviroment, but he lives in an area  with lots of trees, and he's used to that.

Favorite activity: Watching trains.

District token (an item you bring in the arena that isn't a weapon) An ancient, golden coin passed down to him.

The First Redemption Games (1-5) & The Writer Games | 6 - 7जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें