District 2 Male Tribute: JackkGrantt

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Name: Glore Hadrada (Male)

Age: 17

District: two

Celebrity look-alike: a younger Shia Labeouf

Small description: His  lean build crates a frightening look though his obvious pride in his  looks creates a surface of even more arrogance. His short hair, though  long on top, and young face bring out the childishness in him. He is  competitive though his childish behaviour allows him to have fun.

Traits in arena:  Competitive (enabling that extra push) Fast (His first class trait)  understands traits of the wind and what it means, throws perfect aim,  Good at climbing.

Weapon: Throwing knives

Job: His father owns a jewellery store in 2 (He helps as assistant)

Favourite Environment: Mountains (loves to climb)

Favourite activity: Climbing, Throwing knives

District token: watch from his father that also displays how many tributes are left in the arena

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