District 11 Male Tribute: OnionLovesGarlic

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name: Keifer "Key" Kohlton

age: 17

District: 11

look alike: Logan Lerman

physical description: toned but not too buff, piercing silver eyes, long legs and fingers

traits: independent, resourceful, sly, creative, perfectionist

weapon: silver and platinum chain with a pointed arrow head at the edge

job: Keifer acts as the  gatekeeper of District 11. Because of his acrobatic skills, he can  easily scale the high walls and trees of the district 11 gates.

environment: He enjoys  being on top of trees as it let's him escape the world. He also finds  the mist on cold mornings somewhat fascinating and alluring to  him.activity: sneaking out of his house to practice his martial arts on  capitol bullies

token: a ring that's shaped like a key

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