Katherine Pierce ( Part 1)

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We arrived at a small diner by the beach and Katherine turned around toward me gesturing to the booth, "In you go." I sat down as Katherine sat next to me, boxing me in as Mason sat across the table. Kathy then forced me to look at her, "While we are seated at this booth, you will answer any and all questions honestly. When we leave this diner all you will remember is that you met Mason Lockwood by chance while on your vacation, you had lunch with him, and you left on good terms.  Do you understand?"

I replied robotically, "I understand."

She then smiled, "Perfect," releasing my chin.

Mason frowned, "Kathy, please, she's not a threat. There is no reason to compel her."

Katherine smirked, "No one is truly innocent Mason." She then stroked my cheek with the back of her hand, "Even this delicate little flower can hide the most poisonous thorns but I am curious as to her backstory. Tabitha why don't you tell me about yourself?"

"Well, I was born and raised in Mystic Falls. I am a member of the Founding Families. When I was 11 years old I went camping with my parents and was kidnapped. Every day for months the man who took me, raped me. When I was finally found, I learned that I was pregnant and became a mother at 11." I looked into the vampire's eyes and saw a hint of emotion before I continued, "My parents decided that when my child was born, he would be raised by my grandparents, at least, until I graduated high school. Since then I have worked my hardest to try and be the best person I can be, so I can be a good mother to my son. Now I've emancipated, but I still want to wait until I finish school to finally get my son back. And that's my story."

Katherine nodded, "I understand, I was a mother once too. I also had a child young and out of wedlock. I wanted to raise her on my own, but my father took my daughter from me when she was born. I never even got to hold my daughter before she was taken from me and given away."

I asked, "Did you ever look for her, your daughter?"

Katherine sighed, "At first, but then I was forced to leave my family home because I had brought shame to them. I had to flee to another country in order to start over with my life. I had to survive and I never looked back. So, how do you know Mason?"

I smiled, "Mason is my friend's uncle. Whenever Mason would be in Mystic falls Tyler and I would team up against Mason and try to wrestle him to the ground. We never won, but I think we could now."

Mason chuckled, "No, I don't think you could."

I cocked an eyebrow, "Why not? Tyler and I are much older and stronger now I think the two of us could take you."

Mason shook his head, "Believe me, you couldn't."

The waitress finally came by and took our orders and conversation all but ceased as we ate food. At least until a group of seven other people entered the diner and approached our booth. A woman with a bronze skin color addressed Mason, "Hey Mason, want to eat with the pack tonight? Or are you going to continue to eat with the bloodsucker and her new blood bag?"

Katherine turned a glare onto the woman, "Classy, Jules, I may be a bloodsucker, but that doesn't mean I want to cause drama. Mason can decide for himself what he wants to do. I need to use the restroom." As Katherine stood up from the booth, I watched Jules and those she was with take a couple steps back out of fear. Katherine then held a hand out to me, "Come on, Tabitha, I want you to come with me."

Mason stood up abruptly, "Kathy don't."

I took Katherine's hand and stood up pretending to still be compelled, "Relax Mason, I'm not going to kill her, but I do want something more substantial than stale diner food. I'll only drink a little and then heal her right up. When we leave the diner she won't even remember me. Come along Tabby." I followed Katherine as she led me into the restroom and locked the door behind us. She circled me, like a hawk before bending my head to the side and brushing my hair away from my neck. She looked into my eyes, "Don't move and don't scream."

As she leaned in to take a bite, I pulled my stake and pressed in against her chest, right over her heart, "Sorry, but I really don't feel like feeding a vampire today." 

I felt Katherine freeze, "How?"

I smirked, "I'll be asking the questions now. Firstly, I want to ask who you were running from when you faked your own death back in 1864?"

Katherine frowned, "Who told you that?"

I pressed the stake deeper into Katherine's chest, "I thought I told you that I'd be asking the questions. You had your fun, but now it's my turn. Recently a couple of Salvatore vampires have infiltrated my town. One of them was obsessed with you and managed to open the tomb underneath the Old Fell Church. You weren't there and the 26 friends you had down there are now out and being led by your old pal Pearl. Now, I was able to come to the conclusion, from the stories I heard from the Salvatores and the other information I've gathered, to piece together a few things. You faked your death in 1864, allowing the vampires you created as well as your friend Pearl to take the fall and suffer for it. But what would an old and strong vampire such as yourself need to cover her tracks for, unless she was running from something older and stronger than herself. Then I learned from Anna that werewolves existed and you were looking to find them. Werewolf bites are toxic to vampires, so why would a vampire want to seek out a creature whose bite is poisonous to them? You see, I'm missing a few pieces to the puzzle and only you can fill those gaps, so I'll ask again; who were you running from when you faked your own death in 1864?"

Katherine remained silent for a moment, but then sighed, "I'm impressed you were able to figure all that out on your own. Have you told anyone else your theory?"

I frowned, "No, I don't usually give away what I'm thinking until I have all the facts. No one back home knows I went looking for you except for Anna and Pearl. I want to get back home alive; if I don't make it back to Mystic Falls tomorrow, all of the tomb vampires will come here along with the Salvatores to find me. If they find me dead, then you'll have 28 vampires hunting you and I don't think you want that. Whomever you were running from will learn you were not in the tomb and come looking for you as well. I suggest answering my questions without fussing and then letting me go home."

Suddenly my arm was twisted behind my back and fangs pierced the side of my neck. I screamed, "NO! LET ME GO!"

I was thrown to the floor and froze as a heel pressed down onto my chest, "I admire your cunning and intelligence, girl, but make no mistake; I'm Katherine Pierce and you are nothing." I was then quickly yanked up and pressed into the tiled wall, "But don't worry, I won't kill you. In fact, once the vervain is out of your system, you'll be very useful to me."

I growled, pulling my wood bullet gun and shot three times into Katherine's abdomen. She stumbled back and shot twice into her chest. Acting quickly, I kicked her, so that she fell onto her back and then I grabbed the stake from off the floor, sat down on her stomach and pushed the stake slightly in over her heart just enough for her to start bleeding through her shirt, "I am not nothing Miss Pierce and I will not willingly become a puppet for you to toy with and discard later. I allowed that once before and it shall never happen again."

Suddenly the bathroom door burst open and I whipped around to see Mason standing in the doorway, "What happened?! I heard gunshots!"

I froze watching as Mason took in the scene; me holding a wooden stake over his girlfriend heart as she lies bleeding under me. "Mason, she's a vampire, she needs to learn that she can't just sink her fangs into anyone."

A shiver ran down my spine as Mason's eyes turned yellow and he growled, "Tabitha, get off of my girlfriend. Now."

I stood up slowly pointing my gun at Mason, "What's wrong with your eyes? What's going on?" Then it suddenly clicked, "Wait. You're a werewolf? But that doesn't make any sense! If you're a werewolf does that mean the mayor and Tyler are also wolves?!" More questions than answers began spiraling in my brain until an overwhelming presence overshadowed me from behind and a female voice hissed, "Don't worry, I'll let you sleep on it." A sharp pain shot through my skull and I went limp, descending into the bottomless darkness.

Miss Fell. (TVD Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt