Auntie Bonnie

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I woke up before everyone else, going on my usual run before coming home and making breakfast. Clark came running down the stairs, "When did Auntie Bonnie get here?"

"Last night while you were asleep," I answered, placing the last few eggs of the plate, before wiping my hands on my apron. " I smiled reaching for his hand, "Come on, let's go wake her up for breakfast." He raced up the stairs and I called, "Gently Clark, Auntie Bonnie didn't sleep very well."

He raced back into our room and I followed seeing him gently shake Bonnie, "Auntie Bonnie, time to wake up."

I sat down on the bed next to her, "Bonnie, come on. It's time for breakfast." She groaned and I chuckled, "Come on, Bonnie, Clark really wants to have breakfast with you and I don't want all of my hard work to grow cold."

She rolled over, yawning, "Alright, I'm up. I'll be down in a minute."

I smirked, "Clark why don't you go wake up, Grammie and Pappy." He ran for the door and I called, "Gently!"

"OKAY!" He screamed back

I snickered, turning back to Bonnie as she stared at the ceiling, "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just tired. Between mastering my powers and Emily, I'm exhausted."

I smiled, "Well how about today, you stay here and we'll have a pajama day with Clark, just us."

She smiled back up at me, "That sounds wonderful."

I took her hand, "Alright come on, get up and get your butt downstairs. I'll call your dad and Sheila to let them know about today's plans."

I stood up and Bonnie squeezed my hand, "Hey Tabs? Thanks."

I smirked, "For what?"

"For just being you." She sat up to explain, "I don't know quite how to describe it, but ever since we were kids, I always felt safe and happy when I was with you. Whenever I was in a jam you would drop whatever you were doing to come help me. You always put others before yourself and have never let anyone down."

I scoffed, "Well I definitely try not to."

"No, but that's my point. I'm a witch and am deathly afraid of whatever's coming, but when I look at you all calm, collected and unafraid; I'm relieved. How do you do it?"

I helped her up, beginning our walk downstairs, "After I was taken by Victor Strauss, my entire life became a nightmare and at first I tried to hold all of my pain in because I didn't want to be a burden on anyone around me. However as the days went on I started to implode on myself. People have it in their minds nowadays that you're strongest when you're alone and don't rely on others, but I believe that it's the other way around. Yes, it's good to be independent, but there are some things no person can handle alone. So I make it my mission to be the person that others can rely on because I know how hard it is to be alone." I guided her to her place at the table as I brought in the plates of food for everyone, "I never want to think that you're alone Bonnie, there are always going to be people to help you."

Clark then perked up, "I'm here for you, Auntie Bonnie."

She chuckled, "Thanks Clark. And thank you Tabitha."

I smiled, "Alright everyone, let's pray and dig in."

After breakfast, I called Sheila and Bonnie's father and stuck to the plan to have a pajama day. Grammie and Pappy left around noon to have a day just the two of them and I believe they deserved it.

Once they were gone we got into a pillow fight, built a pillow and blanket fort, and to end the day, a Star Wars movie marathon complete with popcorn, snacks, and cuddling under the many blankets in the fort. Clark fell asleep first, and Bonnie smiled, "I can't get over how cute he is."

Miss Fell. (TVD Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें