First Vampires, Now Witches, What's Next?

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I woke up to my alarm and made Matt breakfast, leaving him a note for when he woke up. I got ready and headed over to Sheila Bennet's House.

When I got there Sheila opened the door, "Tabitha, it's good to see you again."

I stepped in without her inviting me in to prove I wasn't a vampire, "Good to see you too, Mrs. Bennett."

"Bonnie's already fixing a plate in the kitchen. Once you fix your plate, I do believe you have an explanation as to how you came to possess a necklace belonging to our ancestor and why this 'Damon' person wants it."

I nodded, "I promise to tell you both everything."

I walked into the kitchen hugging Bonnie, "Are you okay? Did Damon hurt you?"

She hugged me back, "No, the necklace protected me. Are you okay?"

"I will be as long as Damon doesn't get that necklace. And what do you mean it protected you?"

I fixed a plate as Sheila came in behind me, "Bonnie and I come from a long line of witches. Bonnie has now started to awaken to her power. That necklace you gave her once belonged to one of the most powerful witches of our family, Emily Bennett." She then looked at me, "How did it come to be in your possession?"

I sighed, "Damon Salvatore is a vampire and I was allowing him to compel and feed off of me, so that he wouldn't hurt Caroline. He told me his plans about using that necklace to open a magically sealed tomb to save his lover from his past, Katherine. However, he tried to kill me so I gave the necklace to Bonnie and made her promise not to give it back to me no matter how much I begged. Damon doesn't get to be happy if he tried to leave my son without a mother."

Sheila nodded, "I understand. I can erase any lingering compulsion if you'd like."

My eyes widened, "You can do that?"

She smiled, "Of course, dear. I am a witch. We have all sorts of nifty tricks. And don't you worry about that vampire no more. Bonnie isn't going to give that necklace to nobody." She then held out her hand to me, "Come dear, let's get you fixed up." She sat me down in an armchair and stood in front of me, "Now I'm not gonna lie, dear, this is gonna hurt."

I took a cleansing breath, "I don't care. If it gets him out of my head, then do it."

Sheila raised her hands and I began to scream in pain as my brain felt like it was melting. After a couple hours, with a couple of breaks in between, Sheila finally stopped and proclaimed to Bonnie, "She's free of any lingering compulsion. Let her parents know she'll be staying here tonight. I'm gonna get her some water and fix some supper."

Bonnie nodded, patting my hands, "Give me your phone, I'll be right back."

I groaned, wiping the sweat off my brow, handing her the phone in my back pocket. I tried to stand, but a wave of dizziness knocked me back in the chair. Sheila came back, handing me a glass of water, "I wouldn't move too much until you get your strength back."

I took the glass, "Thank you, now I won't have to worry about that bastard getting into my head."

"My pleasure, please continue to take care of my granddaughter."

I smirked up at the older witch, "Witch or no witch, I was gonna protect Bonnie either way. It's in my nature."

Sheila snickered, "Yes, Bonnie told me about your son. How is he?"

"Happy, thriving, and safely out of Mystic Falls. Where he will stay until every vampire has been either driven out or killed."

"Let me know how I can help."

"I will," I answered raising my water in a toast before taking a large gulp.

Sheila went to make lunch and Bonnie came back in, "I told your parents you were slumbering it at my place. I also sent a text to Matt. Is that everyone?"

I took my phone back and sighed as my eyelids became heavy, "Yeah, thanks Bonnie. Can you wake me up when the food's ready?"

Bonnie chuckled, "Of course I will."

My eyes slid closed and I passed out.

When I was gently awoken, the witches and I ate and then Bonnie and I slumbered it. She showed me a couple of her tricks, like lighting a candle and making feathers float in mid-air. It was truly enchanting.

For the first time in a while I saw a brightness in Bonnie's eyes. She was happy that her visions and premonitions were actually real. She wasn't going crazy. She was just a witch, coming to realize her power that could only grow as she learned more alongside control. I wanted Clark to know about the truth in time and made Bonnie promise to show Clark some small spells when he was old enough to learned about all that went bump in the night.

If Bonnie was going to keep the pendant safe then I needed to learn how to protect her from Damon, which meant that I needed to know how to hurt and immobilize an immortal, bloodsucking demon.

I decided to search every nook and cranny in Uncle Logan's house tomorrow morning. All founding family members had skeletons in their closet, one just had to know where to look to uncover them. Since he still wasn't answering his phone, Uncle Logan would just have to deal with me going through his things. Because the more I thought about his behavior before he left, the more I was convinced he knew about vampires and knew that I had been stalked by one.

That's why he had brought me into his house instead of letting me stay in my house alone. He was insistent on knowing where I was every second, of every hour, of every day and gave me the charm bracelet, commanding that I never take it off.

Lying next to Bonnie as we settled down for the night, I was safe and actually slept peacefully with no nightmares.

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