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A couple days later Stefan called me and we decided to hold Lexi's funeral in the Salvatore Family Crypt. I grabbed the ashes and the blue scarf I made her, driving to the cemetery. Stefan was already there in an all black suit as I approached the crypt in my black dress. I hugged him as he escorted me inside the crypt. I clutched the ashes close to my chest as I saw the hole in the wall.

I took a deep breath, "So, how do you want to start this?"

I could feel him step up beside me, "I don't know. I've never been very good at goodbyes."

I placed a hand on his shoulder, "It's okay. I'll start."

I placed the mason jar and scarf into the hole and took a breath, "Today the two of us are here to lay to rest, Alexia Branson. Now I only knew Lexi for one day and yet I can honestly say she was my friend. She knew nothing about me and I even threatened her with a gun, but she protected me from Damon when he tried to kill me. I felt safe around her and practically told her my life's story. I only wish I had more time with her. Life is too cruel to not be able to see the ones you love again after you die. So to end my little rant, I will say goodbye for now Lexi. I'll see you again in about 90 years and promise to have great stories to tell you when I do."

I could hear Stefan sniffle a bit and I took his hand, "It's okay. Take as much time as you need. I'm not going anywhere."

He let out a small laugh, "Thank you. Not just for being here, but for saying such kind things about her."

I laid my head on his arm, "There were only good things to say."

Stefan took a breath, "Well I guess it's my turn." He took a slight step forward, "Lexi, I am so sorry for letting you down. When we first met, I was a mess, ripping through the citizens of Mystic Falls and battlefields unable to stop. You pulled me out of the darkness and helped me to enjoy my life again. Every time I would slip back into that darkness you would always pull me back out again no matter how many years it took. Besides my brother, you were the only other constant in my life." He picked up a stone slab on the floor placing it over the hole, sealing the ashes inside, "So in honor of your memory, I have decided to bury you as a member of my family. Entombed here you shall forever be remembered as you were; A True, Loyal Friend." I smiled seeing the engraving on the stone as tears sprang into my eyes: 


A True Friend Till The End

Stefan fell to his knees and began to cry. I knelt behind him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "Shh, It's okay. I'm here. I'm not gonna leave you, I promise." I let a couple of my own tears fall as the vampire cried in my arms.

Suddenly Stefan burst out of my arms and rose to his feet as I saw veins appear under his eyes, "Stefan?"

He huffed, "I'm sorry, I just need a minute."

I nodded, rising to my feet, "It's okay, I'll be outside." I walked out of the crypt and shivered. I hadn't taken in the weather when we decided to hold the funeral. It was starting to turn frosty in Mystic Falls.

Stefan came out a few moments later, "Sorry about earlier, are you cold?"

"Yeah, but I'll be fine as soon as I get to my car."

He took off his jacket, "Here."

"Mr. Salvatore, I'll be fine once I get to my car."

"At least wear it until we get there. Don't argue with me, Miss Fell."

I rolled my eyes playfully as I took the jacket, wrapping it over my shoulders as the gallant gentleman walked me back to my car. Once we arrived I handed him back the jacket and asked, "Are you going to be okay?"

He nodded, "Eventually. This was the first step and it wouldn't have been possible without you. Thank you for everything."

I shrugged, "I did what I could." I placed a hand on his face, "Call me if you need me, understand?"

He smiled slightly, "I will."

He opened the door as I slid inside. I made my way back to me house and started sprucing up the guest bedrooms. Thanksgiving was right around the corner and soon I would be with my son.

My parents called later that afternoon and asked if we could have dinner together to discuss certain things. I agreed and arrived promptly at the restaurant for dinner. As soon as we had ordered I asked, "What's this about?"

"Well, honey," my mother began, "we stopped my Mr. Donovan's house the other day and found out that you were no longer staying with him. The Sheriff made us aware that you knew about our little secret council and we want to make sure you're okay."

"I'm fine," I replied. "I've been staying at Uncle Logan's. I found a letter and a box addressed to me under some loose floorboards and found out that should he die, which I'm sure you know since the Sheriff covered up his death, that his house now belongs to me."

They looked at each other warily, I had never been violent nor rebellious against them, unlike my cousins with their parents. My dad took over from there, "Sweetheart you are still underage and can't be living on your own."

I cut him off, "You do know I can petition the court for emancipation right? Of course you do, you both are lawyers. And what do you think the judge is going to say when I tell him I currently hold four jobs, one being a substitute history teacher until a new one is hired? I'm not an invalid anymore. I can take care of myself, but I will wait till graduation before taking Clark."

My mother sighed, looking at her husband, "She's right, you know. Just look in her eyes. She doesn't need us anymore." She took my father's hand, "And that's not a bad thing. All that means is that we raised a brilliant daughter who is ready to leave the nest a little earlier than everyone else."

My father looked at her and then turned his gaze back to me, taking my hand from across the table, "I know, but it's still hard to let you go."

I chuckled, "It's not like I'm leaving town. I'm just starting my adulthood early and I promise that no matter what, I'm still gonna be your little girl."

We finished out dinner and I spent one last night in my old room before going to the courthouse with my parents the next morning to petition for emancipation. 

I was finally going to be my own woman.

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