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I woke up the next morning and went on my usual morning run before coming home and making breakfast for everyone. My parents came over and I smiled watching my family eat and chat together.

After I had finished, I took a shower, preparing for my day while also getting Clark ready for Tyler and Matt to come pick him up. While I was waiting, I took a leather strap watch that used to belong to Uncle Logan and drenched it in vervain. I even placed a little within the watch itself, just to be safe before securing it to Clark's wrist, telling him not to take it off.

I heard honking from outside, "Tyler and Matt are here! Come on!"

Clark raced out the front door and nearly tackled Matt, "Hey big guy, ready for an amazing day?"


Matt handed Clark to Tyler and Matt looked at me, "Where are you going?"

"All you need to know is that I'll be back in time for dinner and that I'll be stronger than I've ever been."

"I'm not sure that's possible, but okay."

I nodded, looking to Clark as Tyler buckled his seat belt, "Make sure he has a good day."

"That's a given."

I smiled giving Matt a hug, "Thank you."

I watched and waved as Matt got in the car and Tyler drove away. 

Once they were out of sight I hopped in my car and drove to the state prison. I got there as soon as visiting hours started and took a cleansing breath before sitting down on the other side of the glass. 

I froze as soon as He sat down, smirking at me. I steeled my nerves and took the phone off the hook, hearing his laughter through the receiver, "You know, when they said I had a visitor, I was quite surprised. I didn't think you'd have the guts to ever come see me, little girl."

"Victor Strauss, I know it's been a while, but I figured that it was time I paid you a visit."

"What? Come to chew me out since you couldn't back then?"

I shook my head, "No, I came to tell you that you have no hold over my life anymore." I took out my phone, scrolling through pictures, "For the past six years what you did to me haunted my nightmares, but just yesterday I realized the nightmares wouldn't stop unless I came to see you." I held up Clark's picture to the glass, "This is my son, Clarkson. Nine months after you were thrown in here I gave birth to him. He is the only good thing that came out of your torture. He's never asked who his father was, but if he is curious I'll bring him to see you. "

"So is that why you're here? After six years you came to gloat?"

"No, I came to forgive you, Victor. There's a person in my life who I've come to care about, but he betrayed my trust and the only way I can forgive him is to forgive you first. There are worst monsters than you out in the world, if I don't learn to fight my personal demons then I have no chance of being strong enough to fight the creatures out there and I need to be strong to protect my son." I smiled at Victor, "I hope you get out one day, but if you even think about harming me of any other girl like me then I will let you meet a worse monster than you and he will tear you apart because he promised me he would." I sat up straight and hung up the phone, "Goodbye, Victor."

I got up and walked away feeling lighter than a feather. I felt alive again. I was free.

I drove back to Mystic Falls and called Damon, "Miss Fell, I honestly didn't think you would be the one to call me."

"Can you meet me at the Grill? I want to talk."

"On my way."

About five minutes later Damon arrived and sat across from me, "So what did you want to talk about?"

I reached over and grabbed his hand, "Well let me start off by saying that despite everything you've done, I forgive you and if I'm being honest with myself I wasn't just angry because of what you did; I was angry because you won. Now, what you did to me was horrible, but I had to remind myself that you've been apart from the woman you love for 145 years and during that time, God knows what else has happened to you. Immortality is a curse that you shouldn't have had forced upon you. Once the holidays are over and Clark is safely out of Mystic Falls, I will honor my promise to you and help you get Katherine back. As long as you honor your promise to me."

Damon looked into my eyes, "What did I promise you? And what did I win?"

I chuckled, "I think I'll keep what you won a secret for now, but if you don't remember your promise then I want you to make me a new one." I took a breath, "I want you to promise, no more killing. I want you to promise me that once you have Katherine, you will leave Mystic Falls for good. I also want you to promise that you won't hurt me anymore."

Damon smiled, gripping both my hands, "Lady Tabitha Fell, on this day I promise you, that as long as you uphold your promise, I will not kill another soul in this town, I will leave Mystic Falls as soon as I have Katherine back, and I promise, for the rest of my eternity, that I will never let anything, including myself, hurt you again."

I smiled and then pulled my hands from his grasp, "Well it's about time I go pick up my son, see you after the holidays, partner."

I went to go pick up Clark at the Lockwood Mansion, only to end up eating dinner and spending the night after running the town-wide Thanksgiving potluck idea by Mrs. Lockwood. But before lying down to go to sleep Matt cornered me in the kitchen, claiming to help with the dishes, "So, where exactly did you go today, Tabs? I've seen you happy before, but after coming here, you seem lighter and unburdened."

I smiled, "I went to go see Victor Strauss."

Matt dropped the dish he was holding, shattering it on the floor, "You did what? Did he say anything to you?"

"No, Matt, I'm fine. I have been having nightmares of Victor for six years and I came to the realization yesterday that the only way to get rid of them and move forward was to forgive him, not just in my heart, but to his face. I also needed to face him alone."

Tyler came into the kitchen, "Everything okay in here? I heard a crash."

I sighed, "It's fine Tyler, just butterfingers."

I began to pick up the glass as Tyler went back into the living room to continue entertaining Clark. Mat knelt down to help me, asking, "Are you sure that you're okay?"

I touched his hand, after throwing away the glass, "Matt, I'm better than okay. That man has been in control of my life, haunting my mind for six years. Leaving the prison today, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. Matt, from here on out, I'm free."

Matt smiled, bringing me into a hug, "I'm so happy for you." He stepped back, "I see it."

I smirked, "See what?"

"The air of a true warrior, Tabs."

"I'm not a warrior, Matt. I've never been in a real fight before."

He shrugged, "That doesn't really matter. If you were to get into a fight with the next heavy weight champ, I wouldn't bet against you. Without knowing anything about you, I would be intimidated."

I snickered, "Thanks, Matt." I took off my apron,  started the dishwasher, and washed my hands before walking into the living room to find Tyler lying on the couch with Clark sprawled over his chest, both asleep. I smiled, taking a picture of the scene and went to grab Clark when Matt whispered, "Hey, go get some sleep. I'll stay down here with the kids."

I rubbed his head, "You're a kid too, but thank you." I started for the stairs, changed into a nightgown provided by Mrs. Lockwood and fell asleep in one of the guest bedrooms. Just as I was about to fall asleep my phone screen lit up, 'Goodnight, Lady Fell.'

I smiled sadly at the text, but sent back, 'Goodnight Damon.'

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