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I groaned awake hissing in pain as my head throbbed, "Ow."

I heard Elena by my side, "Tabitha. Hey, are you okay?"

I sat up slowly, "I'll be fine, just a little fuzzy is all."

I opened my eyes and hugged her and then turned to my other side, "Hey Bonnie." I hugged her, "I'm so sorry."

Bonnie hugged me back, "It's okay, you did your best."

A chuckle resounded in the room, "Morning Tabby."

I frowned, locking eyes with the old football star, "Hello Ben, how's immortality treating you?"

"So far so good, although the daylight thing's a bit of a bitch. What about you? How's being a raging huntress whore?"

"Excuse me?" 

Ben and I never liked each other. He was one of the jocks who never gave up calling me a slut after Clark was born or freak for always being in the hospital and never at school. He smirked, "You heard me, I heard you got raped by a vampire. Is that some sort of kinky thing that gets you off now that you know about the supernatural? Lure a vampire into your bed and then stake them?"

"I don't know, why don't you stick your neck on the line and we'll find out." He hissed and flashed his fangs, but I refused to show any sign of fear, "Just because you have fangs and a craving for blood doesn't make you any less of a completely useless dick."

He grabbed me and threw me across the room. I noticed my weapons sitting on the floor next to the armchair and looked up at Ben smirking, "Really? So you throw temper tantrums now? I guess you actually age backwards when you become a vampire too."

In his rage, Ben threw me again and I landed behind the armchair. I grabbed the vervain flask and got to my feet to chuck water at him. He jumped back clutching his face as it sizzled. Then the door was kicked in and sunlight poured into the room, causing Ben to hunker down between the beds for safety once Stefan ripped off the curtain too.

I started gathering my weapons as Elena and Bonnie ran outside. Stefan walked over to Ben and threatened, "When the sun goes down, leave town. If I ever see you again, I will kill you."

Stefan then grabbed me and sped outside with the girls. As soon as he set me down he started yelling, "Why didn't you respond to my texts?! I told you to stay in touch!"

I frowned, "I'm sorry! I thought I could save them by myself! I never intended to get caught!"

"Well you did!" The vampire roared. He seized my shoulders and I hissed as he stared down at me, "You are not invincible, so stop pretending like you are. You could've been killed!" He then drew me into a hug, "If you were to die, I'd never forgive myself. Not after everything you've done for me. Promise me that next time you'll call."

I returned his hug, "I promise, Stefan, I'm sorry. I'm okay, I promise."

We got back to Sheila's and after a few more hugs were exchanged, Elena asked, "So, what do we do now?"

Stefan answered, "Well for now, you need to stay here."

Sheila scoffed, "A prisoner, in my own home? I don't think so."

Stefan tried to reason, "I can't protect you if you leave the house."

Sheila retorted, "We can protect ourselves."

Elena then butted in, "We need to let Damon have Katherine back. He's not going to stop until he gets her. If we help him, maybe that ends it."

I crossed my arms coming to stand next to Bonnie, "NO, Elena! After all he's done, he doesn't deserve to get what he wants!"

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