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I woke up in the hospital with my Aunt Meredith standing over me, "Aunt Meredith?"

She smiled stroking my forehead, "Shh, shh. Your running a fever after last night's stunt. Try not to move or speak and let it run it's course."

I nodded, "Thank you."

"What on earth were you doing out in the cemetery without a jacket in the middle of winter. You could've froze to death. You know how weak your immune system is, not to mention the ripped stitches and infected wound. You are honestly lucky to be alive right now."

"I'm sorry, I've been a little depressed lately."

She stroked my cheek, "I know. The Sheriff told the Council what you did. You killed Logan because he had been turned into a vampire. I know you were close with him and I'm sorry, it shouldn't have been you who did that."

I sighed, "I had to, he was a Fell and attempted to turn Caroline. I had to do it. How long have I been asleep?"

"A full thirteen hours. You were tired. I'll bring you something to eat in a little bit."

"Thank you, Aunt Meredith."

She left me alone in the dark room and I shifted to lay on my side, but coughed and was forced to lay back on my back. I shivered and pulled the covers closer around me when a voice spoke, "Wow, don't you look pathetic."

"Ugh, get out Damon."

"Not until I run a little deal by you." He sat on the bed and I glared up at him as he spoke, "I found another way to release Katherine from the tomb, but I could use some help tracking down a lead. You help me get Katherine, and only Katherine, and I promise that your descendants will want for nothing."

I shook my head, "No, I want nothing to do with you. You broke your last promise to me. How do I know this one is any different?"

"Oh, have a little faith. What happened to us being partners in crime?"

"Our partnership died when you looked me in the eyes and told me that I deserved death because of my ancestors butchering vampires 145 years ago." I shivered some more as my stomach twisted, "I think I'm gonna be sick." 

Damon grabbed me and whooshed me into the bathroom as I began puking. Damon rubbed my back asking, "What the hell is happening to you? I've never seen you like this."

Once I could breathe, I wiped my mouth and answered, clutching the toilet bowl, "I've always had a weak immune system. If I catch any little cold, it'll knock me on my ass for at least a couple weeks. This time I've got a couple infected cuts and mild hypothermia, so who knows how long I'm gonna be in here."

"Do you want me to heal you?"

I furiously shook my head, "No. No more vampire blood, I don't wanna turn. There's another vampire in town, the one who turned Logan. I won't risk it." I chuckled humorlessly as my eyes started to drift closed, "I guess you know my weakness now. Don't tell anyone, okay?"

"Tabitha? Hey, stay awake!"

I shook my head, "No, too tired."

I could feel him pick me up, "At least let me get you to bed first." He laid me down gently in the hospital bed and wrapped me up in the covers, "Sleep well, Lady Fell. I'll be back tomorrow."

I felt slight pressure on my forehead before hearing him leave the room and I drifted off to sleep.

I was gently shaken awake later that night by my Aunt feeding me some warn chicken soup. Aunt Meredith had been assigned to my care ever since I was a child and I trusted her to know what to do and how to take care of my when I got sick.

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