Klance vampires

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Synopsis: vampire Keith, human lance. A one night stand goes wrong, forever changing lance's [after]life. (Smut included, if that wasn't obvious)
      Also this is a half mexican trying to write Cubans......I'm gonna mess up.
My eyes were dry, but they were fixed to the words on my phone screen.

      -mulletman 11:45pm: u up?

             When aren't I? Lanceylance-11:45pm

     -mulletman 11:47 wanna come over?    You're pretty

     Depends......is this a booty call?-Lanceylance
-mulletman 11:48 Maybe? Ya commin or not?

   Of course, send me the address-lanceylance
-mulletman 11:50: can't wait 😏

My face is flushed completely, I slap my cheeks, "no I can't get flustered at a time like this." I look at the address "mulletman" sent me, it should be about 20 minutes from my house.
Now if I could just sneak out without Mamá or papí noticing......
And yes, I, Lance Alejandro McLain, the 22 year old I am, still live with my parents. Sue me.
I throw on some shorts and a hoodie, slipping on my checkered vans and grabbing my phone before slipping out the window and down the side garden towards the front gate.
I get to the corner, out of sight from the house and call an Uber, knowing I probably haven't slept enough to be driving.
"Got an aux cord?"I say, hopping into the
"Yeah, play whatever ya want, son" the ginger man says, I plug in my phone and start blasting shakira.
"This the place?"
"Yeah, thanks dude" I say, slipping a tip into his hand and stepping onto the wet dirt, or rather mud, path.
You could tell it just rained from the smell, but it seems eerier out here, just barely past the city limits by a pond that nobody ever seems to visit. There were trees and overgrown bushes everywhere. As I got closer to the small, barely inhabited apartment building, the mud gave way to old cement, it's many cracks full of untamed weeds.
"Why is there an apartment building in the middle of nowhere? That's stupid....." I mumbled, crossing my arms and shivering at the cold before finding myself painfully on the ground, face to face with the Root that supposedly tripped me.
I continue muttering curses as I stand again, making my way up to the looming door of the building.
"Hey." A small voice says as the door opens before I even knock.
"H-he-Hey."I stutter, my eyes licking with large, glassy indigo ones.
The boy in front of me presses his lips together tightly, "you lance?"he mumbles, hardly opening his mouth.
I nod, he gestures for me to enter,"I'm Keith, oh and don't worry about noise, as far as I know, I'm the only one who lives out here."he hides me up the stairs to the second floor, and leads me to what I presume is his room.
"So, do you normally top or bottom?" He asks, if it weren't so dead silent out here, I'd have never heard him.
" I've never been with a guy before, but switch? I'm fine with whatever I guess...." I shrug, not wanting to be too demanding in his own home.
The walls creaked, I could hear distant muttering but I couldn't take my focus from the boy in front of me.
"Good. I don't exactly like being told what to do," Keith said totally straight faced.
"So what now?"
"Well, we can just go for it. That's why you're here, isn't it?"
I blushed HARD, "y-yeah" I hadn't even finished my sentence before my back was shoved into the wall, he's surprisingly strong despite his small stature.
His lips are on mine, his tongue slips into my mouth but his mouth is otherwise screwed shut. I decide that I should put my tongue in his mouth, that's how this works, right? Apparently not because something sharp pricked at my tongue the moment I slid it up to his lips.
      He backed off immediately, "let's skip the foreplay, I wanna go NOW" Keith said, and I swear to sweet baby Jesus his eyes flashed red for just a moment.
        Before I can think much of it, his hands, which are ridiculously smooth by the way, I'll have to ask about his skin care regimen, are sliding into my pants. "Oh, so you're a briefs kind of guy...." he mutters randomly.
         He grabbed my dick just a tad bit too hard and I winced, "oh, Sorry man,"he said quickly before deciding to jerk me off.
       "I can do that myself, do something else" I half groan-half say. He cocks a brow at me, then pulls my pants off completely "eeeh, it's kinda cold...." I shiver.
He responds by kissing me. Hard. I let out a shrill accidentally when he starts stretching me. "Woah, you're definitely a virgin"Keith laughs, "you're tight as fuck."
      I somehow blush even harder, playing with the cross necklace hanging on my chest, oh how my mom would be thrilled to find out not only did I sneak out of the house for gay sex with a stranger: but wearing the crucifix she gave me to "keep away the sin".
       After who knows how long, Keith decides I'm ready and pushes in. Holy shit was he wrong, I was NOT ready, and he did not stretch me nearly enough but here I was, in a strangers apartment, with his dick in my ass, without a condom.........

                  HOLY SHIT IM AN IDIOT!

Well he ends up at least making some attempt at pulling out but it's a hot mess that I'm glad I don't have to clean up.
It was all going so well for my first time with a Dude, up until he fucking bit my neck, revealing his sharp as fuck canines,(fangs? I don't know, I'm losing a lot of blood here!)
      Like, is that normal?!
Are you SUPPOSED to do that?!
And why did it turn me on more? Is it normal to cum from someone biting me hard enough to draw blood??
Regardless, he ends up collapsing on top of me In a puddle of jizz, which is not only all over us, but has soaked his sheets and mattress. And I join him in falling asleep.
I groan tiredly when I wake up, "shit" I grunt through my teeth as I lift my phone to see that it's somehow 4 am, and Papí gets up for work at 4:30......
I try to make my hair not look like I just got fucked and left a poorly written note on the counter before running out and waiting for an Uber to pop up.
When I finally get back to the corner of my street, I make my way back around the side gate sprinting, and hopping onto my bedroom floor through the window. I throw myself into my bed and quickly toss the covers over me, panting.
I start to doze off again until the oh too familiar scent of chorizo wakes me up.(Hispanics can you relate?) Mamá opens my door loudly, "Mijo, get up it's late! It's already 9:26!"
I leap from my bed, knowing it's better to cooperate with her rather than to fight for an extra 5 minutes of sleep.
I stumble into the bathroom, deciding to attempt to straighten my unruly morning hair.
"LANCE ALEJANDRO MCLAIN! You've been in that bathroom for 20 minutes, ANDALE!"
      "Sorry, sorry!"
           I make my way to the kitchen where basically the whole family's seated already eating. I grab a plate and get ready to chow down........and then I get a searing pain in my jaw.

         It's not enough for an outward reaction but enough to dampen my appetite.
    I sit down next to Veronica and move my food around with my fork.
       "Oi gordito,  aren't ya gonna eat that?" Veronica teases, "nah, toothache." I mumble, nudging her my plate.
       "Ah ah ah! Not on my watch flaco, you're going to eat that, and you're going to like it. Now Marco, you get him some sprite and Vix for that toothache!" Mamá barks, wiping her hands on her apron and waving a spoon around.
         "I gotta pee" I excuse myself. I get to the bathroom and the pain is back, this time stronger.
      I look into the mirror and see that near my canines have grown two small but very sharp nubs..........

      Sorry that was crap, maybe I'll try it again someday, this is kinda long for a oneshot and I enjoyed writing this AU. I apologize for any misspellings of Spanish words, I'm going off what I hear my grandma and my mother say around the house so I haven't seen the words spelled out also I don't know what the Cuban variants of certain things are as I am Mexican not Cuban, so I apologize for that also.

Voltron one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora