Wholesome klance omegaverse?

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  Synopsis: wholesome cuddling, omega Keith, alpha lance. Probably, scenting and nesting stuff? Maybe low key sheith on the side if you REALLY squint? (It's klance tho, the sheith is a literal bromance if it's even there)
             Keith flipped over to his opposite side for the millionth time tonight. He groaned in annoyance of his bed's discomfort.
      Well, this is what last choice of a room got me......
         His mind rushed through recent events, from piling into the blue lion and blasting off into space to Shiro's most recent disappearance.
Is he okay? He isn't dead is he? No, he's all right, I know he is. I'm just overthinking this....... but still, he probably needs me. Wait, does he actually need me or am I just being over dramatic and clingy because I need HIM? HAS HE SECRETLY HATED ME THIS WHOLE TIME?!
         'This sucks' he decided as he sat up, grabbing the device he assumed was the space version of a ds from his night stand.
        "Aaaand it's dead...... great." He sighed.
      His legs stood up against his commands, his footsteps echoing in his empty room and the total silence of the castle, save for the scurrying patter of mice feet, the occasional snore coming from Pidge's room and the rare purring of those fuzzy floaty things that Keith could never quite identify.
                  He came to a door. One he saw every day and walked unceremoniously past, but never opened. The slight scent of alpha, specifically salted caramel and what he assumed was an ocean breeze: as he himself had never been out of the desert before coming to space.
This is Lance's room.....
    Before he could tell himself not to: to go back to his room where it was safe, his hand fumbled around for the handle and pushed the door open.
             He heard a slight disturbed groan from the younger boy, who was most likely asleep. He sat on the bed, tapping lance's shoulder so lightly,the cuban likely wouldn't notice it. Even so, the boy stirred enough so that Keith could wake him fully.
          "L-lance? Are you up?" His voice was so meek he didn't recognize initially.
        "Ma-Mamá? Don't take the tortillas off the table, we need them for *Pepé's birthday....Oh, Keith...." he mumbled and sighed contently, before melting back Into his pillow.
        "OH KEITH! What are you doing in my room?!" He roused himself completely, pulling the covers over his bare chest as if he were a girl.
               " I, I dunno, I kinda just came here without thinking..."
         "Well, are you gonna say something else or go back to your room, and not make my room smell like- nevermind."
         "Smell like what?"
      "S'nothin,  I just don't want you stinkin up my room" lance pulled up the covers over his face, obviously trying to hide a flushed face.
          "Why? Do I smell bad to you or something?" Keith smirked.
        "Wha-yeah" he looked out of the covers and they made eye contact. " no...... yo-you smell good, tha- that's the problem" he sat up.
        "Oh" was all Keith could say
      "Well, go on. Laugh."
  "I'm not going to laugh at you Lance,"
       "Why not, everyone else does"
     " well, I think you smell good too...... like, salt and Carmel" Keith looked away.
          "Well, this is quite the predicate....." lance laughed softly.
       "Ya mean predicament?"
            "Yeah,that thingy,"
       "Um..... this is weird, but can you uh...... can you scent me?" Keith blushed heavily.
       "Whoah, uh yea-sure...... but why? And why me?"

      " I'm just really worried about Shiro, and it scares me to think he might not come back..... sorry, I'm bothering you aren't I? I should go," Keith shook his head and stood up.
      Lance grabbed his wrist, applying pressure but with a gentleness Keith had never felt. "No, stay. Please."
        Keith nodded slowly, sitting next to lance and awkwardly laying his head on his shoulder.
      "Um... do you want me to make you a nest? You seem like you need it. You can sleep here if you like, I don't mind."
           Keith gave him a slight look of acknowledgment and nodded again silently, clinging to Lance's arm before the latter stood to gather nest materials.       
       Within about 10 minutes, he's formed a crude nest on the bed, a mess of sheets, blankets and a small hippo plushie Keith kept in his fanny pack.
         "You want my jacket? It's what smells the most me-ish, plus it's warm."
      "Yeah, that sounds nice"
      Lance wrapped his jacket around the omega's shoulders. Keith had snuggled himself into the nest, knees held firmly against his chest.

        "Can  I come in?" Lance asked, waiting for Keith's consent before climbing in the nest with him.
"So, I'm gonna, uh scent you now....... um, yeah." Lance said awkwardly, before pulling Keith gently toward him to scent him.
The omega pulled the jacket to his face, sighing contently. "So uh..... what do I smell like?"
"Um, garlic knots....."
Keith froze, "Wait, seriously? And that smells good to you?"
"They're my favorite! And I'll have you know that they are very, very delicious!"
Keith could no longer withhold his laugher,"I'm sorry, it's just...... ha! I can't, that's ridiculous!"
"Wow, rude much?"
"Sorry, is that really what I smell like?"
"C-can I smell you again?" Lance's blush grew.
"Yeah, go ahead"
Keith shuddered when lance lifted his mullet to get closer to the scent glands on his neck.
      After getting a few wiffs if Keith's apparent 'garlic knot scent', lance pulled away slightly, to be face to face with the older boy.
       "Can I kiss you?"
      A slow nod and Keith closed the small gap between them. Lance briefly broke the kiss, "no tongue?"
     "No tongue" Keith replies before yanking Lance on top of him. After they ended the kiss they payed there lazily in each other's embrace, Keith now on top and neither wanting the moment to end.
          Keith murmured something, muffled my lance's chest. "Huh?" Lance inquired.
         "I Love you...."
       "I love you to,"lance sighed happily, pulling Keith tighter to him.
            They slowly let sleep over take them, Keith lulled by the steady heartbeat of the Cuban he loved and lance to the soft breathing of his little ninja.
         Well that took forever to write. Sorry, I've been watching adventure time( because why not? It's a good show and I'm obsessed with Marciline)any ways, I tried to write this well, did ithappen? Probably not but I tried okay?
* Pepé is my idea of lance's family dog.
      Also I made Keith smell like lance's favorite food, I thought it'd be funny/cute. sue me.(plz don't I'm a broke high school student)

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