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Trigger warning: transphobia, being misgendered, use of deadname

Patton, Logan, and Roman sat there for hours just talking. Even though it was never said, their minds were on Virgil.

Patton felt regret, he just wished he remembered. Even if they wat ge stopped it seemed kinda sketchy. He just wanted his bestfriend back, his friend that he had known the day right after highschool, his friend that would sing along to all of Patton's favorite songs when he was feeling down, his friend that introduced him to both Roman and Logan.

Logan didn't really know what he was feeling, it wasn't really regret. More sadness and feelings of shame toward himself. Virgil was definitely his crush, he's loved him for years. Would he be mad if he knew Logan had taken Patton's side? He didn't even want to know... he just wanted Virgil back. That's all.

Roman was a little nervous, Virgil was that one friend who he could talk to. Mainly about his insecurities and Virgil would talk to him as well. He couldn't talk to Patton in fear he'd get to worried and there was no way he'd talk to Logan. That man would probably think he was just weak. Not to mention, Vurgil was his friend. Why wouldn't he miss him? He felt a bit bad for not helping more, he thought of what he could have done if he took both sides and calmed them both down... but he didn't...

There was a silence for a while, they all had just stopped talking. No one seemed to notice as their faces turn to small frowns. They all got lost in thought.

After a few minutes Logan spoke up,

"I think we need to discuss the figurative elephant in the room."

Roman was the first to snap out of his thoughts and Patton followed right after. They both mumbled in agreement.

"So... What are we going to do about Virgil?"

No one replied, no one knew anymore.. Virgil was a very stubborn person. He always had been. But then after many minutes of silence Logan spoke up.

"He... He trusts me... Wht if I go talk to him..? " The othets thought a bout it for a bit. It was true that Virgil definitely trusted Logan the most, the moment those two met they almost immediately had formed a bond. God... It felt like just yesterday that they all met. That day they had went to a small diner and just talked for hours. They didn't leave until they were forced because it had closed, even then they didn't leave each other's side. They all went and stayed over at Roman's until the next day.

Patton nodded "I think you should go.. What about you Ro? " He looked over to Roman as the prince like male gave a small nod.

"Then it's settled, I'll head over to Virgil's now. May I borrow your car, Roman. " Roman of course said yes and Logan went on his way to hopefully change Virgil's mind.


Virgil layed with his roommate, Damien. They had only just met but they got along pretty well and Virgil was able to tell the man about his problems.

"I mean... It's not like I have anything against being trans, you do you but... She lied to us. I had trusted her for so long and... She wasn't even real. "

Damien nodded, a small smirk placed on his face but he knew Virgil couldn't see it. After all the emo man had his eyes closed and he knew that he wasn't willing to open them anytime soon. "Well, I believe that your feelings are completely valid, it was horrible of her to do such a thing to you. I mean, you told her everything and she claimed she was a man. After everything you did to help her she was to selfish to even let you know that she was a girl. "

Virgil sighed and nodded in agreement, he didn't say anything. In his little time of knowing Damien he had gathered enough to know that he had at least two parts of his speech when giving his opinion.

"Also, I know you say you aren't transphobic but is that just because you want to seem nice? I mean they say such horrible things about them, but in the end is it really that bad to be one? All the transgenders are messing with the way nature was meant to be, and keep in mind I'm atheist. These people trick others into thinking they're a certain gender then crushing their hearts. "

There was a long pause, Virgil thought about what he had said. It... It was kind if true. He felt bad I bit but.. He agreed with what Damien was saying. "Yeah I guess you're right... I never really thought about it like that. "

Now, Damien smiled on victory but his voice his such a cocky and selfish thought. He spoke in the same soft voice he had been speaking in the whole time. "I'm glad you've come to see reality. You don't need that freak, I promise you. How about we go watch a movie and forget about that deceitful woman. "

Virgil finally opened his eyes, but not in time to see Damiens horrible smile. He looked over at his new roommate. "That'd be nice.. Thanks Dee. " A soft smile placed itself on Virgil lips "it means a lot"

Damien patted his head and set up "anything for a friend, if it's ok to call you that. " He looked at Virgil who nodded "ok then, my new friend. Let's not waste anymore time! You go turn on a movie of your choice and I'll get us some pop corn. " And just like that Damien was off to the kitchen, and Virgil didn't question how the man knew he had popcorn or the fact that he didn't have to search to find it.

The emo man just got up and turn on a movie as Damien had asked.. It was nice to have such an understanding friend.

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