Krystallvael, Part 2

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Iris looked around in astonishment as they entered the valley city. The whole place was sparkling, in all the colors of the rainbow. Everything seemed to be made of shining, shimmering, crystal.

"I welcome thee to the shining city of Krystallvael!" Ulus made a grand gesture with his arms.

"It is unlike anything I have ever seen!" Iris said with amazement, still looking around.

Omi was more relaxed now, looking around curiously. The fae around her seemed more relaxed as well though they all kept a wary eye on the dragon.

"Our history is Rich, richer than all the wealth in this world. We beganeth from a small settlement of Draegonflai fae to a thriving city of greatness on which lady night nev'r setteth her star filled eyes upon"

"Sounds quite amazing." Iris said. Omi made a small noise in agreement.

"And hither we art, the most wondrous palace of the royal family!"

The palace was beautiful, made of sparkling, rainbow like crystal. Turrets and towers were decorated with a royal banner showing a crystal with a ring of faries. Faries were zipping to and from the palace's many entryways and exits.

It's beautiful. Iris thought.

Omi cooed at the amazing sight, standing on her hind legs to get a better view. Iris had to get her back down, as she had scared some fae.

Ulus led her to the throne room doors. "I must warn thee, our royals art quite distraught as of now. Their only son wast taken from them by those vile creatures and no one had a clue of his wearboughts. Beest be mindful of what there sayeth and what thee doth."

Iris nodded. "I will keep that in mind. And I will help in any way I can to save this son of the royals."

"Within this wall of flesh, there is a soul that contains its creditor for this benevolent offer. I desire thee can fufill it to the fullest." Ullus replied solemly ((A/N: Shakespearean is hard to read, I have to use a translator to write the Draegonflai's dialect XD. Here's what he is saying because this is a harder sentence: "I thank you for this offer, and I hope you can fufill it to the fullest " ))

Then he pushed the throne room doors open and entered the room.

The throne room was grand, there was no doubt. Precious gems decorated every surface. The room was made of crystal, a sparkling white.

Yet something was wrong. The room was also draped in black. The lights were dim. A sign of mourning, maybe.

Then a voice from the end of the room called out. "Who is thither? Who calleth upon us at this time?"

Iris looked toward the direction of the voice.

At the end of the room were two thrones. Occupying those thrones were two fae. She assumed they were the rulers.

The queen was a beautiful brown haired, brown - skinned woman, with piercing green eyes. Her hair was in braids, entwined with flowers and Crystal. The crown she wore looked made of pure sapphire. Her dress was a beautiful deep gold, studded with precious crystal. Her wings were also golden in color, and perfectly shaped.

Yet she looked tired and haggard. There were bags under her eyes. She wore a black veil over her face, and in her eyes there was a noticeable spark of sadness.

The king was a black haired, fair skinned man with soft grey eyes. His crown was made of what looked like amythest. He wore a red robe with white crystals, and a blue and white suit underneath. Yet like his wife he had an air of sadness around him, a black armband on his left arm.

Ulus approached the thrones and bowed. "Mine fairest queen and most noble king, rejoice and beest glad, for I bring valorus news. This stranger and her beast has't concurred to findeth and rescue thy son!"

Iris moved forward at this, Omi behind her. She curtsied as best she could, and Omi actually bowed her head. Maybe dragons could sense when someone was deserving of respect.

"My name is Iris Tourmaline, your majesties. And it is true I have agreed to find and rescue your son. My dragon, Omisha, will help me."

The queen gazed at her. "Doth thee very much speaketh the truth, stranger? I findeth myself not believing thy words, for words can forswear. I has't hath lost too much already to bear to lose anymore."

"I assure you -" Iris started, but she was cut off by the king.

"Mine wife hath been bothered by many false heroes to has't the art to save her son. None has't hath returned, and all has't dashed her desires again and again. Art thee another that wilt returneth exsufflicate handed, or rather, nev'r returneth at all?"

"I will not be a 'false hero.'" Iris said, with affirmation. "I will return, and I will bring your son back to you. I swear this upon the honor of my now - gone race, I swear this upon my own honor. I will retunite this family."

The queen looked at the king, who looked back. They seemed to have a mental conversation with one another, before facing Iris once more. "We has't hath decided to trust thee, as there seemeth serious in the vows. However, we wilt sayeth this - failure wilt result in consequences. I has't hadst too many disappointments to bear another."

Iris bowed. "I will not fail you." Omi crooned in agreement.

"Thou mayest refer to me as Queen Acacia. This is mine husband, whomst thee may refer to as King Sterling."

Iris nodded, indicating she understood.

"Please maketh haste to find my son." Acacia blinked, a tear forming in her eye. "I findeth it hard to wend through mine days without knowing if't be true that he is safe."

Sterling put a hand on Acacia's arm. "Mine wife is most fell. Please, doth hie and findeth my son. We art both most appreciative of your offer."

"I will sendeth along my warriors. Thee wilt nev'r findeth better in all the kingdom. Lazuli! Esme! Marit! Cometh!" The queen clapped her hands.

Immediately, three faries rushed into the room. All wore battle armor. One was a boy, the other two were girls.

"These three noble fae wilt help thee on the quest. They art mine finest warriors, with a gross amount of experience." The queen said.

"And i wilt sendeth a guide with the. He hath hath served at mine side for years. Thee wilt needeth his knowledge of the terrain. Ruri! Come hither!"

At once a short male fae entered. He wore no armor, but carried a bag and some maps.

"This is all the help we can giveth thee, for our defenses art already stretched thin." The queen said, gesturing to the small posse of fae.

"May Lady Luck keepeth thee in valorous favor on the journey. I bid thee farewell for now." The king said, raising his hand.

"Returneth soon, and doth not tarry." The queen said, before dismissing them.

As Ulus, Iris, Omi, and the new fae left the throne room, Iris wondered what would come next in this new chapter of her story.

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