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"Can't wait to tell them that it's a girl" He stands opposite her as he clenched his fingers to her, soft and pale fingers. She smiled while they both gazed each other.


"They're here" He slowly let go of their fingers and he ran to the door to invite our families in. She pats her tummy and smiles all by herself as if no one's watching. She didn't notice he has been standing there, delighted, waiting for her.

"Come, let's go. Be careful, dear" He welcomed his palm and she firmly placed hers. Carrying a weighted womb everywhere isn't an easy task. They both walked out of the room with smiles greeting them. Doyoung was busy playing with his sons when sister Yena is chatting their moms.

Jeno accompanied her to the seat beside her mom. "Jeno... move. You sleep with her every single day and you still can't stop clinging into her?" Jeno's mom then started whining about wanting to seat next to her, too. Jeno stood up and let his mom sit next to Daemi.

"What do you guys, think? You've all been waiting for so long" Her mom larger her eyes as she cupped her mouth in unbelievable. "Yes! It's a girl. I'm the luckiest person on earth!". Both moms squeezed her, and she looked at Jeno who started smiling from ear to ear.

"Well, we can also give you a girl if you want too" Doyoung smirked to mom while carrying Dongha. "Oh my god, cut it off". All of them in the room laughed as we watched Doyoung getting scolded by his wife.

She turned to Jeno when everyone starts leaving the living room to the dining room for dinner. "What is it, my dear?" She stared at him while he deepens their glare, knowing something's wrong. "Are you okay?" He pushed her to his chest for a hug. He could feel tears watering his clothes and he smiled, knowing what's the matter. "It will only be about six to seven days, baby" He wiped her tears, and she nod off. "Looks like I'll be only be celebrating with this baby this year" she sighed and lowered her voice.

Jeno will be overseas since he's a manager of a boy band, and he must be with them. "You're leaving tonight... can you don't spend more than a week there?" He laid his head above her shoulder and nod continuously.

"Of course, I wouldn't" he let out a small peck on her neck before removing himself away from her shoulder.

4 days later

It's been the whole day, and he still didn't call her. It's one day before her birthday. She was still worried, extremely worried about her husband that is currently not by her side. His probably busy. The whole four days was accompanied at home by their cats, and two maids that only works in the morning. They had a fun time joking around and chats, but it wasn't the same without him.

She patted Bongshik's head and slowly rest her head on her pillow and doze off in seconds. Jeno came back few hours ago to surprise her exactly in midnight. He slowly turned on the light to their room corridor as he placed her presents, he bought to the extra room, next to theirs.

He slowly climbed the bed and lay beside her while removing her hair that was covering her eyes. He softly pecks her cheek, without waking her up. He slowly placed his chest against her back and place his hands around her tummy. "Happy birthday, angel. I'm home" He whispered.

She fidgets and he stay at the same position, not expecting her to wake up. She turned on the lamp while he watches her. She turned her head and tears started flowing unexpectedly. "Hey. Happy birthday?" He started, while opening his arms and without patience, she jumped onto him and hugged tightly whilst he showers his lips against hers. "Were you surprised, baby?" She nods repeatedly and laid her head to his chest.

"Do you want to see your presents?" she shook her head and leave him stunned. "You're my present" He chuckled, trying to remove the red blush away from his face. He walked out of the room and took a paper bag and hides it under his tees as he asked her to cover her eyes.

He tied her hair for her and slowly placed the necklace that has their name on it. Then pulled out a ring from the same necklace box and insert it in her empty ring finger. "What's this? Marrying me, again?" She looked at him inserting the ring and he couldn't help it but to chuckle. "Yes, again. I want to keep marrying you again and again" He responded.

"Happy birthday, dear. I'm sorry I couldn't come earlier but I promise, I won't disappoint you anymore. We have each other, don't we?" He said, while pulling her hands to caressed. They smile blazingly while he pulled her to his embrace to cuddle her. Their heart beats real fast and they couldn't tell the fact to each other.


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