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Jeno went home about few minutes after I reached my room. I sat at my bed, thinking and realised that I didn't even said goodbye to him.

It's only the first week of school break, and I've got about two more weeks to spend, but I have exactly no idea what's going on in my mind. I'm lazy to do anything but only have the urge to sleep, sleep forever.

"Hey, want to tag along? We're going out to my in laws" Doyoung suddenly spoke out of nowhere. I was too distracted that I didn't even realised he opened my room door. I just shook my head because, who in the right mind would go to someone in laws?

"Wait, are you bringing baby- um never mind" I pushed my head to my pillow after realizing he would obviously bring Haeybi along. He's grandparents probably has been dying to see him. I'm that stupid.

I woke up from a short nap to doorbell coming towards the main door. I was curious that I peek through the peek hole to see who it was. What amazed me was someone familiar was playing his hand phone while waiting for me to open the door.

"What's up?" I asked then leans on the door frame. He responds to my question with his eye smile of his.

"Not much. Come on. Let's hang at the beach. It's beautiful at night" He continued then put his phone in his pocket. "Was that a question?" He sound like a robot saying that and he grinned afterwards that made me roll my eyes. I show him my five minutes hand gesture to video call my brother and he continue standing still. I lowkey want to be out from the house. I have never went for a night walk with anyone before so i am really looking forward to it.

"My brother say I can only go if you promise to bring me back as a piece" he laughed and I turned my camera screen over so it could face Jeno and he replied to Doyoung's request, "Alright boss".

"Sorry lol. My friends are on vacation, so I really have no one to talk to. I'm an extrovert, mind you" I smiled hearing what he just mentioned. It must've been fun being an extrovert. I envy him.

"Hey. Do you live around here, too?" He shook his head. "Few streets away. Around there. I walked here always. It's heavenly here. Stress? Breakup? Feel like killing yourself? Pain? This place is the answer to everything... just in my opinion" He adds in a soft and low voice. He's different that make me really want to learn everything about him.

We walked slowly through the silent pathways as we keep the conversation going. I learn a lot about him, and we share both fun and sad stories we have until I realized I didn't ask him how brother and him, met. "Oh, about that, we coincidentally become close after an accident last three years," he laughed before continuing. "It's pretty chaotic. I was cycling and he suddenly reversed out of nowhere and hit me and then... here I am! Luckily, I didn't die and besides that, he helped me a lot, too" he continue and continue talking while I just stood next to him, listening to the unbelievable story from him.

"It's so windy here. I should've come here more often every night. I don't know but I just love this place so much, without any specific reason" I shut my eyes to feel the cold night wind slapped through my bare face. "You liked it? That's a relief" I opened my eyes to see him as he looked through the shores. At this part of time, I know he's exciting to be with, and I'm looking forward to days with him.

My hips were suddenly wrapped by his arms, and I wasn't unhappy about it. I pulled his hands away from my hips as I turned around and faced him and slowly placed my arms around his waist. "Thanks, I need it". He said, with his voice felt choked up. He placed his chin on my head, and I slowly feel a smiling sensation. "Your brother's fault for not telling me he have a beautiful sister" he said then continued, "Also, I'm sorry for this, I can't stand it" I just stay silent so I can enjoy the breeze with him and instead of him letting me go, he hugged me tightly.

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