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It's been months since Jeno and I started hanging and being friends for real. It all started when we coincidentally met after a week at the beach while I was walking at night.

"Em" I turned to see Jeno with his hair covered with a snap back. He smiles and then look at the sands. It's cold and I did like he said, walking along the beach at night to reduce my stress and anger. We coincidentally met our eyes and he started, "I'll take it as this is... fate? Like you said, 'I'll see you again when fate allows', so am I right?" I let out a small laugh and nod, "Probably, Jeno" I replied, and he sighed.

"Let's hang out for real, and not only by chance" He continued. "You want to? But If it gets boring, can you promise to just leave?" I replied while watching his eyes sparkles. "I won't leave" he said in a soft voice. "It'll hurt my pride if you don't leave" I replied, again.

"Hey, can you see this image? I can't though" Jeno pats my arm while I was busy studying for my math test the day after tomorrow. We were at Starbuck's, studying for almost an hour together.

We didn't go to the same school but there's nothing to differentiate when it comes to subjects and study, it's the same. "How could you not see? I took out the exact same history book from my bag and stretch the page harder to see the image while he was having the hard time stretching the book that I stood up and walk beside him and hardly stretch his textbook.

I didn't notice that my face was just inches away from his that I suddenly felt a warm and kissable lips pressed against my cheeks that got me standing still and just stood where I was. I turned and stare at him who was glaring at me with his eye smile. Shit.

My heart was beating continuously that I decided to seat back to my seat and continue to where I last stopped. "I'm sorry, you're so cute" he whispered, and I just stare blankly at my textbook and try not to absorb the words to my braincell. The fact that he has a girlfriend now haunts me.


"I'm freezing, let's go back already, can we?" I started shivering and couldn't stop fidgeting that he took off his oversized hoodie to give me. I thanked him but all I knew was his hoodie didn't change anything. I started packing my bag, but he stopped me. "I'll do it" he stood up and packed his things then mine. I put on my bag pack and realised the oversized hoodie makes my hand couldn't be visible.

"Come on. Let's go" He pulled the hoodie slowly where my hand was and I just follow him.

Time skip

"Hey, call me soon" that was the last thing I heard from Jeno before he left from my view. As much as I wanted to, I won't and will never.


"Hey, best friend!" I turned around to see Haechan running towards me with his opened arm. He hugged me and let me go while catching his breath. "Let's go" He pulled me away from entering Doyoung's apartment building. "Wait, I have Physics tomorrow" He stopped then sighed. "An hour won't hurt. You'll ace Physics anyway" I wanted to laugh at how irony that is. "I'm hungry let's just fucking go" I removed my hand and walk with him instead. "Where's your girlfriend? I didn't get to see her face yet. You promised you'll bring her-" I asked, curiously. "Shut up, can you? You're making me mad" I kept quiet, forgetting he'll get really mad when someone pisses him of while he's hungry.

We finally reach the Japanese restaurant nearby that sell tasty and affordable Udon and café latte. We ordered quickly when we reached the place. While waiting, Haechan who's taking off his school coat and placed it beside him started, "She's busy. She has tuition to go to" I nod, and we stay silent again. "Can you talk?" He broke the silence. I exhaled a breath and took out a notebook from my bag and placed it on the table. "Do me a favour. Pass this to Jeno, I borrowed them" He shook his head. "No. We'll go together after this". I put it back in my bag and our food arrives.

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