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I gave a small cheek kiss to Haeybi and we start walking along the shores even with the strong wind."They sell ice cream nearby, do you want me to get it for you?" I shook my head then continued.

"Buy me chocolate milk if they sell them. Thank you, Jeno" I said, and he nod, walking away from us to the nearest convenience store. Haeybi wants me to carry him so I picked him up and he starts placing his small head towards my chest and played with his small fingers as if airplanes are flying. I sat at the a nearest bench nearby the convenience store and put Haeybi on my lap, him, still playing with his fingers. "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?" I lowered my voice to Haeybi and he shook his head continuously.

"Here you go" Jeno voice was heard out of nowhere and he sat next to us and gave me the milk I requested him to buy for me."Thanks" he nod then ate his cup ice cream but then was stopped from Haeybi who started to cry because he wants to have a taste of Jeno's ice cream.

"Okay, let's go and buy one" this time, I said but it that turns out making Haeybi tears flow even more."Haeybi. Come here" Jeno patted his lap, asking Haeybi to sit on his lap instead. "You can have it, but you have to feed me one spoonful okay?" Haeybi wipes his tears and then do as what he was told.

After Jeno was being fed, the ice cream stained beside his mouth was what I spotted before him knowing. I took out a piece of napkin from Haeybi's bag and gave Jeno to make him wipe his mouth.

"i can't see or feel, dumbass. Wipe for me" he moves his head close to mine while pushing in Haeybi towards his stomach, to prevent him from falling. I took the napkin away from him and wiped it quickly.

"That wasn't sincere but it's okay" What he said pisses me off that I pushed his arms annoyingly and he acted as if it was too hard. "I'm done!" Haeybi said, then jumped to me."Aunty Kim, can we bring uncle home? I want to show him my new toys" I refused to answer him but look at Jeno and shook my head to him, but he just nods repeatedly and smile.

"Let's go, Haeybi" Jeno said to Haeybi while he opened his arms to let Jeno picks him up. Three of us then walked to Doyoung's apartment. "Is he sleeping?" We were at the elevator when I noticed Haeybi has been sleeping on Jeno's chest. The elevator door opens and we thought it was already Doyoung's level but it was someone else who got in. "What a perfect young small family" an old woman who got in talked to Jeno but I just stood there, staring at them both who was nodding and smiling. "Let me hold for you the door, take good care of your wife okay?" That was the last sentence I heard from the woman to Jeno before the elevator door was closed again.

"your neighbour is so sweet" Jeno stand in front of the door before I could unlock it. "What do you even mean by sweet?" I unlocked the main door and we got in, seeing Doyoung and sister Yena pecking each other lips. "What a bad time to get in" I just stared at them both and then cringe way too hard but then stopped when Jeno pat my shoulder.

"Em? why are you standing there? Come on in, Jeno, too" We both got in the house and he put Haeybi on the couch. "Since when you came back?" I let Jeno to sit down beside me and sister Yena starts to face Doyoung and he nod, making sister saying something.

"We are having a new family member!" Jeno was smiling and celebrating while I turned my head around to face Jeno's and shook my head. He nods, and then say congratulations to them.

"Where's your room? I'm curious" He stand on the stairs, looking around to see which room I slept in. "There" I point him my white plain door with a cute cat signage which has my name on it.

He ran to my room then jumped on my bed then faced the ceiling. I sat beside him, and he look at my wall that was filled with polaroids. He stands then took my instax camera from my table beside my bed and turned on.

"Hey, I want my face to be up there too" Jeno calmly said and I nod as he asked me to be in the picture with him. We took around four snaps and he picked the nicest one and placed it behind his transparent phone case. I stand above my bed and paste two out of the three I had beside the latest picture I had with Haechan with his girlfriend that I met for the first-time last week.

"What's the other one for?" He asked and I simply shows him my phone, showing him that I am putting one behind mine too."Ouu... so extra" I laughed and we threw our phones above my bed and we start pillow fighting. we stopped after we both laid on the ground, catching our breath.

we both starts to sit, and he laid his left arm to my shoulder then gave a small kiss to my cheek. I just tighten my eyes that brings laughter to him. "If there's one day that I lost all my memories, will you promise me to not leave me. Everyone other than you are boring" I nod then he took his arm back. This time, he gave me his amorous hug to me, and I couldn't hesitate to hug him back too.

"You're so warm, I like being with you" he said, and I patted his black hair, annoyingly. "you'll never forget me, right?" he turns sadder this time and I didn't know how to reply. "I'll never leave you, trust me. Also, why are you saying this, my hurts my heart, you know?" We were still at the hugging state at that time.

"I don't know but just my instincts..." I slowly let go of our hug, and now we were seating opposite of each other with his head down low. I clench my fingers to he's and he warmed our clenched palm with his other palm above our clench hands.

"Hey, listen, whatever happens, I'll never leave you I promise, okay? But, if I was gone for a long time, don't wait for me, okay?" He looks up quickly and shook his head, then he let his tears flow down to his pale cheek. He let go of our clenched palms, and pushed my shoulder to his, forming a hug. "As long as I'm still breathing, I'll wait" He said, tearing up. I pat his back and tried to hold in my tears.

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