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2 years later.

Autumn climbed onto the stage and picked up the microphone. She began her toast, "I'd like to keep my speech short on account of how emotional the bride already is. Let me start by saying that if you guys hadn't met me and befriended me, you'd have never met each other and would have never fallen in love, so you're welcome." The wedding guests laughed. Autumn continued, "In all seriousness, you guys mean so much to me and are my best friends. You've influenced my life so much. I am where I am today because of you. I am an author because of your support and as I've watched your relationship grow, I've learnt so much about love and family and I just want you to know that I believe 100% that your marriage is not going to be just a statistic. You'll live together until you're old and wrinkled, but your love will never fade. Thank you for being such good friends and for rekindling my faith in love. Nathan, Scarlett, I love you guys." She raised her glass of champage and said "To the bride and groom."

As she got down from the stage, she hugged Scarlett and then Nathan and took her seat next to her boyfriend. He took her hand in his and whispered to her, "That was touching."

She smiled.

"I love you." Zayn said.

"I love you too." she replied and all was well. 


“There is no real ending. It’s just the place where you stop the story.” 

Little ThingsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant