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“Often, it’s not about becoming a new person, but becoming the person you were meant to be, and already are, but don’t know how to be.” --Heath L. Buckmaster.



Autumn waited on the sofa, tapping her foot. She could still feel the moisture of the water that she had been attacked with on her clothes.

Zayn walked back from the door of the flat and placed the pizza on the table in front of her.

“Dig in.” he said.

She was more than glad to do so. She was, after all, hungry and tired.

As she bit into the cheese-filled deliciousness, Zayn said “You seem excited about this fundraiser. You’ve bought new clothes for it, right?”

“I’m not excited!” Autumn said, swallowing. “I’m scared, actually.”

“Why?” Zayn asked taking a slice for himself.

Autumn shrugged. “I just don’t want to mess it all up. I like that place. I want to work there.”

Zayn began “That’s –“ His words were cut off by Autumn’s phone.

She smiled apologetically at him and picked up the phone. “Why are you stalking me?” she yelled into it.

Zayn smiled. He figured it was Scarlett on the other side of the call.

“No way!” Autumn yelled jumping up from the sofa.

Zayn looked at her curiously as he finished his slice of pizza.

“No, no! I’m glad she’s here to visit and all, but it’s just bad timing!”

Autumn sat back down and sighed as she listened.  Then, she said “Don’t call me again tonight, Scarlett. We’ve talked way too much on the phone today.” She cut the call.

Zayn didn’t ask her what that was about but Autumn began telling him, anyway.

“Do you remember Haley, Zayn?”

Zayn thought for a while but the name didn’t ring a bell. So, he shook his head.

“Seriously? How can you not? She was smitten with you! She wouldn’t stop flirting for even a moment!”

“I get that all the time.” Zayn said with a smirk.

Autumn rolled her eyes and continued, “Well, the last time she came to visit was around my birthday, last year. You met her at my apartment.”

Zayn still looked clueless, so Autumn tried reminding him some more “She’s Scarlett’s friend from high school. Short, brunette and in med school. She laughed at all of the lame things Niall said and then she wouldn’t leave you alone.”

Zayn said “Right. I remember now. She was kind of sweet.”

“Yeah, to you, she was.” Autumn muttered.

“What about her” Zayn asked.

Autumn replied “Well, she’s visiting again. In fact she’s already on her way.”

“So?” Zayn asked, munching on some more pizza.

Autumn mimicked him and continued eating. “Well, she’s going to start with all the questions again.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Zayn stated.

“Oh, come on! Don’t you remember anything at all?! She interrogated me about our relationship for at least one hour straight. She seemed to be more interested in our lives than her own.”

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