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“People who love themselves, don’t hurt other people. People who love themselves have no reason to ever judge another person on looks. There is simply no need. People who love themselves no longer look at beauty on a sliding scale or as a competition. There is nobody more beautiful or less beautiful than anyone else, including themselves. People who love themselves no longer see fat or skinny, tall or short, fair or dark skin, gay or straight, strong or weak. They only see people. Beautiful, beautiful people.” -- Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing.


Zayn did not want to wake up. As planned, Harry and he had gone to a club. They didn’t make their way home until 3:00 am. Zayn had hardly crammed in five hours of sleep when he got a call from Liam reminding him about another interview to promote their album.

Zayn put the pillow over his head and groaned. Eventually, though, he got out of bed and slowly walked into the bathroom. He was in there for nearly thirty minutes after which he got dressed.

There was someone at the door when Zayn was tying his shoe lace. He got up and opened it.

“Come in.” he said.

Louis walked in.

“Ready to go, mate?”

“Just a minute.” Zayn said, sitting down and resumed to tie his lace. He got up once he was done.

They made their way to the car quickly. “What are you doing here?”

“I heard you had a late one last night. Just trying to help.” Louis said.

Zayn nodded. Before they could get into the car a screaming group of about a dozen girls approached them. Being the nice people that they were, they took pictures with the fans.

After that, they were on their way to the studios.

“It’s almost time to leave.”

“I know. I’m kind of excited actually. Touring is always so much fun.”

“Yeah, it is. But, I’m going to miss having so much of free time.”

Zayn agreed, but said “It comes with the job, mate.”

Louis just nodded. Zayn asked “So, how did Eleanor take it?”

“As usual. She’s so used to letting me go on tour and not seeing me for months.”

“It’s nothing your relationship can’t handle.”

Louis smiled. “I know. I think it’s because, we are so fabulous individually that even long distance relationship can’t ruin us.”

Zayn smiled.  Louis asked “How are things with Autumn?”

“What do you mean?”

“Does she know we’ll be leaving in a week?”

“Yeah. But we don’t talk about that. She’s used to it too. Besides, she can live without me. It’s not like I’m her boyfriend or something.”

Louis nodded. Zayn knew Louis enough to know that he wanted to say something.

“What?” Zayn asked.

“I just…I still don’t understand why you’ve never asked her out.”

“Dude! She’s my best friend!”

“So? It’s pretty romantic, isn’t it?” Louis joked.

“Shut up.” Zayn said. He added “I’ve never thought about asking her out.”

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