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“I think if I've learned anything about friendship, it's to hang in, stay connected, fight for them, and let them fight for you. Don't walk away, don't be distracted, don't be too busy or tired, don't take them for granted. Friends are part of the glue that holds life and faith together. Powerful stuff.”--John Katz


“Scarlett!” Autumn yelled from her room. “Have you seen my phone?”

She didn’t get a reply. She searched frantically in her room but to no use. She groaned and walked out of the room.

Scarlett was sitting on the sofa, reading a book.

“Are you kidding me?!” she said. “Help me find it!”

Scarlett slowly closed her book and put it down. She took out her phone and dialled Autumn’s number. The familiar ringtone filled the flat. Autumn walked to the kitchen and retrieved her phone.

“Thanks.” She mumbled.

“Why are you so on edge today?” Scarlett asked.

Autumn  sighed and said “I just got a call from my boss saying I need to pick up her dry cleaning and buy a freaking dress for myself for a fundraiser that I have no interest in going to. My laptop is blowing up from tweets-most of them hateful and I just read an article about how rude I am to the media. To add on to that my best friend is leaving for three months in less than a week. Try not being on edge with all this going on!”

Before Scarlett could reply with some philosophical suggestion, Autumn phone rang.

“Hello?” she answered it.

Scarlett looked at her curiously.


“Who is it?” Scarlett whispered.

Autumn just shook her head and asked Scarlett to keep quiet.

“I wasn’t aware of that. “

Then she listened to the person on the other side of the phone speak.

“I have to be there. Alright, bye.” She cut the call.

“Who was that?” Scarlett asked again.

“Nathan Campbell.”

“The hotshot author?”

“The very same.”

“What did he want?”

“He wanted to make sure he’s scheduled for Denise this afternoon. And then he asked me about the fundraiser.”

“Is he going to be there?” Scarlett enquired.

“He has to. If we don’t raise funds, his book won’t be published!”


“Back to my problems…..” Autumn suggested.

“You should talk to Zayn about them.”

“Gee! Thanks, Scar! That was really helpful!” Autumn said, sarcastically.

Scarlett smiled. “I can help with the dress for day after though.”

“I can’t afford some expensive bedazzled gown or dress.”

“I know. We’ll buy something with a tight budget.”

“When? I thought you’re going to be working late today.”

“Natalia will come with you. I’ll call her. I’m sure she can help.”

Little Thingsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें