15; Felicity Smoak

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I was sitting in the lab with Caitlin, Cisco, Dr. Wells and Barry. He was "training" but in reality, he was just really fooling around with his powers on his day off. My training was to try to move this pencil in front of me with my telekinesis, but it wasn't really going well. I was just getting frustrated and it wouldn't budge. "We're testing the speed of your mind by pushing his ability to multitask." Wells spoke as Barry played ping pong against Cisco and played chess against Wells. I rolled my eyes.

"Why does he get to have fun and I have to sit here trying to move this fricken pencil!" I spoke clearly frustrated. I had been doing this for more than an hour and it was getting tiring. I watch as Barry speeds off and stands across from Wells and moves his chess piece.

"I'm waiting on you, Dr. Wells." Barry smirks as he continues to play ping pong and that one weird anatomy game that I could never win. I continued to focus energy on the pencil, I then stood up in anger and the chair I was sitting in moved across the room.

"I'm gonna scream I swear to god!" I yelled out in frustration before leaving the room.

"Theo!" Wells called, but I ignored him and kept walking I needed some fresh air anyways. I turn back before I hear the sound of the computer I ran quickly into the room.

"Armed robbery at fourth and Kolins!" Cisco announced.

"For the record, I crushed it in Ping pong and Operation." I rolled my eyes.

"No one cares Barry. Let's go!" I zoom in and put my suit on in a flash before running all the way out to fourth and kolins. We arrive at the scene and Barry and I start hitting the robbers in slow motion, lightning following behind us. I then hear gunshots and turn to see Barry run to one of the drivers on the ground with gunshot wounds.

"Where's the nearest hospital?" Barry spoke into the comms, I stood there trying to make sure the man stayed awake. Barry then picked up the body and ran, I was about to follow behind before one of the robbers raised their gun and hit me in the head with the butt of it knocking me out.


"I can vouch for that. The internet is full of weirdos, and nerd rage. Lots and lots of nerd rage."

"Hey Barry, I didn't know what to do with her so she's here." I laughed awkwardly. She had introduced herself to me as Felicity Smoak, but that's all I knew. Barry chuckles at her statement before he looks at me, I just shrugged my shoulders. Felicity then looks to Iris.

"Hi. Felicity Smoak."

"Iris West." Iris replied as they shook hands.

"Barry Allen, but you both already knew that." I face palmed. "Ugh Felicity is-"

"The girl you met in Starling City. The computer-er right?" Iris cut off. Wow, she knows more about her than I do. Felicity nodded. She's very pretty, I kept catching myself staring at her. "You two worked on one of Barry's unexplained cases." That's when I realized, that's why I lowkey recognized her! I kept my mouth shut though.

"Which, long story short was an explainable case. So the lightning came through here?" I looked to Barry with wide eyes. How does she know??

"Yeah." Barry sighed.


"Iris seems very nice." Felicity started. I still was quiet about how Barry told her, waiting for the right moment to ask. "And really pretty, like super pretty. Congratulations."

"Iris isn't my girlfriend."

"Yet." I mumbled under my breath. Barry looked at me for a quick second and shook his head.

"She's just a friend... who actually has a boyfriend."

"Oh. That's interesting. I guess."

"You're telling me lady." I spoke before Barry cut me off.

"What are you really doing here? I mean, it's good to see you, but do you and Oliver need something?"

"You're telling me she knows the Green-" Barry quickly puts his hand over my mouth confirming my question.

"Quiet Theebs." I nodded.

"No. No, I came because I wanted to see you Barry. I, heh. Heard you were out of your coma. Didn't call, didn't write." I looked to Barry and just wow, that's rude of him. "Didn't race over..." I watched Barry's reaction then I realized he hadn't told her. Oliver did!

"Oliver told you?"

"Honestly I heard you guys talking on that rooftop in Starling City that night." She then turned to me. "So you're the girl I heard that night." She spoke really taking in my features. Barry chuckles. "I wanna see it. And by "it" I mean your guy's speed." I giggled. "In case you two thought I was referring to something else, which I was not." Barry and I shared a few more chuckles before he pointed to a building.

"Uh, okay, you see that building?" Felicity nodded. "Keep your eyes on it." Barry smirked. He then ran off and she looked at me for a second.

"Keep your eyes on the building Felicity." I smiled and on the top of the building we could see the red and yellow lightning and Barry celebrating before he was back beside us with his phone in hand.

"You took a picture of us? From the top of that building?" Felicity spoke.

"Yeah. Don't instagram that." He joked.

"Unbelievable. So you can do the same thing?" She spoke referring to me.

"Yeah, but I'm not as fast as Barry though and I already got another trick up my sleeve." I smiled.

"What is that?" Before I could answer Barry cut me off.

"That's for another day and besides she can't even control it yet." I rolled my eyes.

"Your shoes are smoking!" She spoke and I looked at Barry's shoes and laughed as he stomped on the ground trying to put them out.

"That's fine, it happens sometimes. That's why we have friction-proof suits."

"Where'd you guys get those?"

"I'll show you." Barry holds out his hand as Felicity holds it and they begin to walk away.

"Barry I don't know if that's a good idea. We should probably ask if we can bring her first.." I then see them walking further away. "Barry wait!!"

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