10; Pizza Time

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"I tried to save him." Barry spoke looking at the T.V. I had just woken up not too long ago. I was supposedly put under for a long time and I'm too unstable at the moment to be out on missions. I had my hair in a side braid and was wearing mom jeans and my S.T.A.R. Labs sweater tucked in with black vans.

"Doesn't sound like he wanted to be saved." I looked down at my hands, as soon as I woke up Cisco and Caitlin sat me down and told me I had telekinesis, but that it was powered by my emotions unlike my speed. I had to really learn how to stay calm and how to relax in situations. "Some people, when they break... they can't be put together again."

"Oh, like Humpty Dumpty! Never really understood that nursery rhyme, it totally makes more sense now.." Dr. Wells looked over to me and rolled his eyes, I could read on his face that he hated children, probably because of me.

"Some people heal even stronger."

"I hope so." Barry then pats Dr. Wells back before he and I were gonna leave the cortex, but Cisco started talking to us.

"Well, at least Multiplex won't be able to hurt anyone else. Told you, I'd come up with a cool name." He spoke placing a lollipop in his mouth. We all smiled.

"We may be the ones in the suits doing all of the running, but when we're out there helping people, making a difference, you're all out there with me. Finally realized something." Barry looks around the room and he smiles at me and I nod. "We were all struck by that lightning." He then turns to leave, but he holds a hand out to me and I nod. I grabbed my jean jacket and followed after him.


We were back at Barry's Lab looking into some things. I had nothing better to do so I helped him, I hadn't noticed the time or that I hadn't ate in awhile until Joe walked in with some pizza. "Hungry?" We both looked up to see him holding three boxes smiling, I looked over to Barry nervous I didn't know if they had made up or not while I was out so. I could see some of the pens on his desk start to rattle, he looked over to me and placed his hand on mine. I guess they had made up so I took a deep breath and the pens stopped rattling. "Pepperoni. Sausage. And Jalapenos. Just how you both like it." Barry grabs the top box and begin to open it.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"Thanks Dad." I smiled and grabbed a slice as I bit into the slice Joe spoke.

"You were wrong." My eyes widened.

"I have been wrong a lot this week. You're gonna have to be more specific."

"You said that one of the things driving you, to run around out there was that you couldn't help your dad." Joe grabs the bottom of the map that hid Nora's stuff and lifted it up as if he knew it was there the entire time. I swallowed my bite of pizza roughly, I coughed really hard and tears began to come up. Barry patted my back to help me before he passed me a bottle of water. "You can help him. We can. We're gonna figure out who or what killed your mother that night. And then we're gonna get your father out of prison. Together." Barry looked at him, as if tears were gonna well up, but they didn't.

"Joe, what I said about you not being my father..."

"Barry, I know. I know I'm not your father."

"You're right, you're not."

"Barry.." I mumbled, looking at him confused. Was he really gonna start this argument all over again?

"You're just the man who kept me fed, and in clothes. Who sat beside my bed at night until I fell asleep, because I was afraid of the dark. Helped me with my homework, you taught me how to drive and shave. And you dropped me off at college. Sounds a lot like a dad to me."

"We love you, Dad." I smiled, Joe lifted his hand over his mouth. He was really emotional and I could tell, he was really about to cry. He then sits down in the empty chair and grabs a slice with a smile on his face. I then cleared my throat and looked over to Joe, I took a deep breath before I told him and Barry the news. "So, Dad... I have got something to tell you.." I started.

"What is it? Did you get like a new super power or something." He joked elbowing Barry, but Barry just stayed straight face not taking a bite of his pizza. "What? Does she actually?"

"I might have telekinesis that's emotion controlled..." I spoke looking down at my pizza.

"When did you find out about this new power?"

"Actually it was when you and Barry were arguing and I felt stressed out about it, it made me feel upset. It kind of reminded me of my mom and dad, I don't remember much about them, but they used to argue a lot and he'd used to threaten my mom and me and... I know I should've told you this sooner... I'm sorry I-" I rambled, tears rolling down my face as that table began to rattle. Joe stood up and quickly enveloped me in a huge hug.

"I'm sorry about that Theo, I'll try my best not to argue, but I can't promise anything cause you know me. I'm a stubborn old man. You're a strong girl, I know that. You even stopped Mardon with his powers and all." He smiled, I sniffled and gave him a small smile. "Now come on, you must be starving." I nodded and he sat back down as Barry looked over to me and smiled.

"I'm glad that my partner is you, even if you are just a kid." He joked as he lightly punched my arm.

"Hey! I'm not a kid."

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